I remained trapped in his arms as Andrew and Warren moved around my room, turning things off and grabbing my bags. “Are you kicking me out? I was leaving. I just need to find a motel…”

Andrew growled. “I’m going to kill Macy.”

Warren stroked my hair and met my gaze. “No, Cupcake. We’re moving you into Andrew’s suite with us so you can’t hide from us. You’re not going anywhere.”

Lucas easily lifted me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Not without us.”

“I’m going to fire Jason and cut her off and then kill her.” Andrew stormed out of the room with my bags, but I could still hear him swearing.

Warren groaned. “He’s going to take forever to calm down.”

“No, he won’t. Watch.” Lucas raised his voice. “Andrew, she needs you.”

A second later, Andrew was back, his eyes concerned as he looked me over. Easily pulling me into his own arms, he stroked my hair and stared down at me with so much care that it made me cry. “No, baby, don’t cry. Everything is going to be okay. We’ll make sure of that.”

“Told you.” Lucas went through the room, grabbing anything I’d left behind, while Warren walked out to grab my other bags that Andrew had abandoned. Then, they strode through the resort like they owned the place, Andrew leading the way with me in his arms.

I realized that I still hadn’t said much, but the bursting door had thrown me for a loop. I looked up at Andrew, still crying, and felt everything in me beg to give myself to him entirely. To all three of them. They were saving me from the darkness that had been threatening to consume me, and I wanted to give them everything I had left in return.

Andrew walked through his open suite door and carried me straight to the bed, where he crawled in behind me and held me tight. “Don’t you ever disappear on us again.”

Lucas and Warren settled on the bed with us, and they took turns chastising me for leaving them. Then, they took turns holding me and comforting me as I cried. It took a while for me to come down, and when I finally did, they were calmer and ready to talk.

“Why’d you hide from us, Cupcake?” Warren stroked my hair out of my face and sighed. “We were worried sick about you.”

I sat up and scooted up the bed until my back was pressed against the headboard and I could see each of them. “I knew Milo was going to tell people. I was afraid of what they were going to say. I was afraid of what Macy was going to say. I just…I don’t want to be hated. I don’t want people to think I’m a freak.”

Andrew was stern as he looked me over. “You’re not a freak. You’re none of the things that pathetic asshole called you.”

“He said all the things I’d been so worried about.” I gestured between the four of us. “This isn’t normal. I’m not normal.”

Lucas grunted. “Normal is fucking boring. Plus. Our life is no one else’s business. There’s nothing wrong with you and what you want, Cupcake. It’s not the traditional sense of monogamy, but this is monogamous. There’s no one else for us.”

“He’s right. You’re the only person we want to be with.” Warren smiled, creating that familiar warmth in my chest. “Are we wrong in assuming you want the same thing?”

“No. There’s just… I can’t have you. Life doesn’t work that way. Just because I want the three of you doesn’t mean I can have you. There’s Macy. She hates me for this.”

Andrew narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “Our sister is going to have a reality check when her wedding is over.”

“No, she’s right. I went behind her back and hid this from her. I crossed lines that I knew were there. She’s rightfully angry.” I sighed. “I hate it, though. She’s my best friend. She’s always been like a sister to me. But I could see it on her face tonight that she’s done with me.”

“Bullshit. She’s having a moment, but once her wedding is over, that moment is done. She can be mad at us all she wants, but you didn’t do anything wrong.” Andrew saw that I was going to argue and shook his head. “You didn’t do anything. You’re fucking perfect.”

I laughed, the feel of it shocking after days of feeling horrible. “You’re crazy.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just angry at our sister for treating you poorly. I’m angry at myself for not being pro-active. I’m angry that I spent so much time away from you, when I know you were suffering.”

“We all missed you, Cupcake. We’ve gotten used to having you at our side.” Warren leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. “In case you weren’t listening, we want you. Beyond this.”

I bit my lip and looked around at the three of them. “How can that work? Macy hates me. We’re leaving to go back to our normal lives soon. How can any of this work?”

Andrew pulled me into his chest. “We would move mountains for you.”

“It works because we’ll make it work.” Lucas shrugged like it was the easiest thing. “It works because we want you in our lives, and we’re willing to fight for you.”

“Why me?”

Andrew tilted my head back and kissed me. “None of us are sure it wasn’t always you.”