Chapter 21
“JesusChrist,shelives!” Macy rushed over to me and grabbed me in a hug. “Are you okay? You disappeared on us.”
I could see the triplets watching me, taking me in, and I knew I was lacking. I felt terrible and I knew I looked it. I was just so grateful to have Macy hugging me, though. I held her tight and fought back tears.
She knew something was wrong as she pulled back and looked me over. “Oh, babe. What’s wrong?”
Tears instantly formed and slid down my cheeks. I brushed them away and groaned. “You know that’s the worst question to ask when I’m trying not to cry. Nothing’s wrong. I’m just…I’m so excited for you.”
“You’re also the world’s worst liar.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and led me away from the crowd. “Is it Milo? Did he do something?”
I shook my head and fanned my face. “No, no. Really. This is just hormones, or something. I think I’m coming down with something and I’m just falling apart over it, apparently. Nothing for you to worry about, though, okay? Promise me that you’re not going to spend the night obsessing over me and why I’m a wreck.”
She shook her head. “Something’s wrong. I know you, Sara.”
“Please. Just…let’s enjoy your wedding. I want this to be all about you and your marriage. You deserve this.”
Her frown was intense, but eventually, her face softened and she sighed. “Fine. I’m not going to push you right now, but you’re going to talk to me when this is all over.”
I nodded, hoping she’d still want to talk to me by then. “Go on. Your dad looks lost just standing back there by himself.”
She groaned. “Don’t get me started. He has one job and it’s literally just to walk, and he’s acting like he needs codes to a bomb.”
I forced a smile as she hurried over to her dad. I just had to get through the rehearsal and then the party and then the wedding. I could do it. Even as I thought it, I was deflating.
“We need to talk.” Andrew’s stern voice was back, his grip on my arm unrelenting.
I kept my eyes down. Those were the same words I’d used with Milo. Maybe they wanted to end things with me. Maybe they agreed with Milo after hearing him say those words. “Now isn’t a good time.”
“The hell it’s not. You haven’t come out of your fucking room in almost two days and you look like you’ve been crying. Now is the best time.”
I was saved by Macy’s wedding planner strolling through the ballroom with a megaphone. I winced as she shouted through it, but I could’ve kissed her for giving me an out from talking to Andrew. I pulled away from him and moved towards the line of bridesmaids that had quickly formed under the rage of a bullhorn.
The walkthrough was fast and almost painless. Everyone was paying attention to the planner and her barked instructions, so I was able to fade into the background. I walked when I was told to and stood where I was told to. It was a thoughtless task that I gave myself over to.
The rehearsal dinner was a different story. Macy insisted I sit at the head table with her family. That meant I was seated at a table with all three of the men I’d been sleeping with, their parents, my best friend and her almost husband, and his family. The five-course meal we were having was being served by a waitstaff that seemed to have some major zen going on. They took their time and did everything perfectly before even dropping off our salad course.
I cringed in my seat, caught right between Macy and Jason’s mom, Sophia. The two families spoke and caught up, but they were relatively close, so eventually, the intrigue turned to the only outsider, me.
Sophia and Dane, Jason’s dad, took interest in me first. Dane spoke over the rim of his whiskey, his eyes crinkling in the corners just like Jason’s. “So, Sara, what do you do?”
I shifted in my seat and dabbed at my lips with my napkin. “I’m a baker.”
Sophia smiled. “Do you own your own business?”
Oof. “No. I work for A Sweet, Shore Thing.”
“She’s on her way to owning her own place. She’s so amazing at what she does.” Macy playfully elbowed me. “She’s the reason I had to start exercising more. Her pastries are to die for.”
“Oh, wow. So, are you doing the wedding cake?”
Words caught in my throat and I couldn’t answer. If running away from the table hadn’t been an edge overdramatic, I would’ve done it. I pressed my hand to my chest, the ache there growing.
“No way. This is a vacation for Sara. I couldn’t put her to work.”
Jason smiled brightly at me. “Besides, I’m not sure we could’ve afforded her. She’s highly sought after.”
The waitstaff showed up to save me and to take the salads away before bringing the next course. Our wines were changed and the conversation moved away from me for a while. However, it came back around to me when Terri, Macy’s mom, seemed to remember that there’d been that big, embarrassing display by Milo.