We walked together out of the restaurant and into the lobby, where a small crowd had gathered. Macy grabbed my hand as soon as she saw me and pulled me away from Andrew.

“You’re a popular woman.”

I was about to ask her what she meant when I got through the crowd and saw Milo sitting on a chair with his favorite guitar. He had a ton of flowers around him, and as soon as he saw me, he smiled and started strumming out a tune I instantly recognized. The first song we’d kissed to, romantic and slow; it had been one of my favorites.

I could see several of the women around me clasping their chests, falling for the act. Me, on the other hand, I felt like throwing up. Never in my life had I ever been popular with men, and out of nowhere, they were lining up for a chance with me. It made no sense.

Milo started singing to me, giving it his all as he did. I knew all the looks, all the points of the song where he’d put emotion and even when he’d pretend to blink back tears. I’d seen him perform the same song a million times in dive bars. He didn’t realize his act was so obvious when you watched it more than once. While the other women swooned, I crossed my arms over my chest and counted to one hundred.

I wanted to know why the hell he was at Macy’s wedding, putting on a pathetic show that was as transparent as a slab of glass. My mind wandered while he finished crooning his song. I wondered where Andrew had gone and if he was going to knee Milo in the face, too. I knew I shouldn’t hope for violence, but Milo was a special case.

When the song ended, people clapped and cheered, looking at me like they were waiting for me to break into tears. They were going to be disappointed.

Macy was at my back. “Oh, my god, this is awkward.”

I elbowed her. “You couldn’t have locked the doors or something?”

“Good fucking luck!” She shoved me towards Milo, an evil grin on her face.

So much for the supportive best friend from earlier. Groaning under my breath, I faced Milo and closed the gap. “Um, Milo. What are you doing here?”

He smiled up at me. “I came to surprise you. Come here.”

I cringed when he reached for me and pulled me into a hug. “Milo, what the hell?”

An awkward silence fell over the crowd as they started to realize that it wasn’t a happy reunion. Milo looked around, the smile on his face frozen in place. “Don’t act like that, baby. I couldn’t stay away. You know I love you.”

I pushed his arms off of me and shook my head. “Milo, you shouldn’t be here. This isn’t okay.”

Finally understanding that I wasn’t going to play along, he cleared his throat and leaned closer to me. “Can we talk somewhere?”

I gestured to the flowers. “Sure. Do you need to clean this up first?”

“Jesus.” He muttered and then shrugged. “I thought you’d like them. They’re your favorite.”

I frowned and shook my head. “No, they’re not.”

Throwing his hands up, he looked around. “Fine. I don’t care what happens with them. These people can have them.”

Barely containing the urge to scream at him, I walked away from him into the bar. Standing in the back corner, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to join me. As soon as he did, I unleashed on him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Why are you here? We’re not together, Milo. That pretty much kills your invitation to the wedding.”

“I don’t want to be broken up, baby. I miss you. The house isn’t the same without you.”

I snorted. “I’m sure it’s not. It was nice having a maid for two years, right? You’re wasting your breath being here, Milo. There’s nothing that would change my mind. I’m sorry you had to come all this way to hear that, but no thanks.”

“Sara. I know I messed up, but I truly am sorry. I just got caught up in something, but that’s all over now.” He tried to take my hand but I pulled away. “Please give me a chance to talk to you.”

“I’m not doing this. Especially at Macy’s wedding. You need to leave.” Frustration and shame were boiling just under the surface for me and I wanted to be a million miles away from him. Walking away, I didn’t look back. I just hurried through the resort, down to my room, and straight into my bed.

I barely got my shoes off before I crawled under the blankets and completely hid myself away. The unrequited fury I’d pent up for Milo was back, and I wanted to scream. How he’d thought showing up at Macy’s wedding was a good idea, I didn’t know. It was insanity. It was a wedding, not a chance for him to make a big display of himself.

I hadn’t thought about him at all, I realized. I’d been consumed with the guys. I’d been stressed and upset at times, but mostly just enamored and happy. They’d taken my mind off of everything, but there was Milo, dragging everything back out in an embarrassing manner.

Even that display showed how little he knew about me. I hated that kind of thing. I didn’t want to feel pressured to react a certain way in front of a crowd of people. I liked personal moments. I liked romance and honesty, not whatever Milo had been attempting.

The nerve of him to show up after cheating on me in our bed! I wanted to march back down and tell him to go fuck himself. I was getting ready to do just that when a beep sounded at my door and Andrew let himself in.

He looked at me, in bed, and his shoulders slumped. His eyes moved around the room like he was looking for Milo and I realized he really was worried that I’d brought Milo to my room and climbed into bed with him. Milo wasn’t around, but Andrew was. He was going to get the brunt of my anger, it seemed.