Chapter 18
Andrewstraightenedandturned an angry stare at Jason, who was standing next to Macy with a confused look on his face. “Your friend has to go.”
Jason held us his hands, sensing Andrew’s volatile mood. “Whoa, man. Who?”
“Mark.” Rolling his shoulders, Andrew reached back and grasped the back of my neck, pulling me forward and into his side. “He just showed his ass to Cupcake, and it’s not going to fly. He’s gone or I’m setting Lucas free on him.”
Macy frowned even harder. “What happened, Sara? Are you okay?”
I shook my head and then nodded. “Yeah, yeah. I’m okay. Mark just… He was just rude to me.”
Jason reached forward and clapped Andrew on the shoulder. “He’s gone. I’ll make sure he leaves. I’m sorry about that, Sara,”
Macy cupped my cheek and looked me over. “I’m so sorry, babe. Do you need anything?”
I shook my head. “No, I’m fine. It mostly just pissed me off.”
Andrew grunted. “She was handling it on her own before I stepped in. She had a long list of reasons that he sucked going.”
“That’s my bestie!” Macy laughed and then eyed her brother’s arm around me still. “So. You saved Cupcake, huh? Tell me, big brother, why you’re still touching my best friend.”
“Cupcake is having dinner with me. As a thanks for helping her take out the trash. I’m just making sure she doesn’t evade me.” Andrew drew me even farther into him. “I’m thinking if I spend enough time forcing my company on her, she’ll stop thinking of me as the asshole I was as a kid.”
Rolling her eyes, Macy shook her head. “Fat chance.”
“Do you have an issue with me stealing Cupcake for dinner?”
I held my breath as Macy looked at me. “Are you okay with hanging out with him? You don’t have to just because he pretended to jump in and save you from a fight you seemed to be winning.”
I smiled and nodded. “I think I can handle him.”
Frowning again, Macy pointed at her brother. “Don’t be weird. And don’t boss her around. And don’t think she’s going to like you more than me. We’ve already had that conversation. I’m the best friend.”
Feeling emotional still, I reached out and pulled Macy into a tight hug. “I love you.”
She blinked a few times before hugging me back just as tightly. “Love you, too, Cupcake.”
Jason cleared his throat and shoved his phone into his pocket. “I’ve got to take care of this before we eat.”
Macy took his arm. “I’ll come with you.”
They said their goodbyes and left us standing there, me feeling like we’d just almost gotten caught. Andrew sighed and took my hand. “Come on.”
He had a table for us at the back of the restaurant. Fresh flowers were wrapped and waiting for me in my chair. “This would’ve felt a whole lot better if none of that would’ve happened.”
I grabbed the flowers and smiled. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten flowers on a date. Smelling them, I blew out all the tension that Mark had tried to put on me. “It’s perfect. These are beautiful.”
Andrew helped me into my chair and sat next to me. “You’re beautiful.”
I was debating telling him that I thought he looked like heaven when he was angry, but Macy’s voice rang out.
“Sara! You’re going to want to see this.”
Andrew sighed. “Go on, Cupcake.”
I delicately stroked my hand over his, hoping no one saw it. “Coming?”
He laughed. “How’d you know? Come on.”