“Hell no. I liked hearing you come, knowing that Warren was pleasing you.” Lucas shrugged. “Would I always like to be involved if it means touching you? Yes. Do I need to be involved every time? Again, yes. Do I have to be involved every time? No. You’re in charge here. You take who you want.”
I shifted. “I’m in charge?”
Andrew nodded. “I know we’re bossy once you give us the green light, but if you are hesitant, at all, we don’t touch you. You have all the power, Cupcake. You’re in control.”
“I thought you liked to be in control.”
“I didn’t say it was easy that you’re in control. It’s just how it is. I’m a selfish asshole and I wish I could push you into doing exactly what I want, but I won’t. It’s got to be you picking us.”
I dramatically threw my forearm over my eyes and sighed. “This is a lot to take in.”
Andrew laughed and gave me a kiss on the forehead before standing. “I’ve got to get ready for the day. Can I talk you into taking a shower with me, too?”
I looked down at his naked body and sucked in a sharp breath. Yeah, he wouldn’t have to talk me into much. I climbed out of Lucas’s lap and took Andrew’s hand. Then, I reached down to take Lucas’s hand, too. “Coming?”
They both followed me to the bathroom, smiles twisting both of their mouths. I’d made them happy, and that feeling was everything.
Andrew had to leave for work after our joint shower, but he didn’t look like he really wanted to. Lucas went to my room and got clothes for me to put on and then we lounged around on Andrew’s couch and talked about our work and lives while eating room service. I was happy to spend the day curled into his side. Hands wandered at times, and we christened Andrew’s couch a time or two before it was time for me to go back to my room to get ready for karaoke.
It had become so normal to be surrounded by the triplets, or at least one of them, that being alone in my room felt strange. No one grabbed my hand, or ass, when I moved around the bed, and I changed without receiving an orgasm for it. They’d grown on me so fast that it was a little overwhelming. Thinking about it too much would just send me spiraling, so I ignored the feeling of panic that ran right under the surface.
I dressed in my new lingerie and a new dress before heading down to the restaurant for dinner. I’d gotten a text from Andrew telling me to meet him there before he was forced to listen to people singing poorly for a few hours. I was so excited to see him that I walked right past Mark without even noticing him until he’d reached out and took my arm.
“Hey, you. Where are you off to so fast?” His smile was friendly, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I missed getting a dance with you last night.”
I glanced towards the entrance of the restaurant and fought back an annoyed huff. “Yeah, I didn’t stay long. Sorry about that. I’m sure with as many bridesmaids as Macy has, you managed to find a pretty woman to dance with, though.”
He shook his head. “I was holding out for you.”
I practically stapled a smile on my face and shrugged. “Sorry. I’m actually heading in for dinner. I’ll see you around.”
“Hey, I was just heading that way myself. I’ll join you.”
I bit back a shouted curse and started walking away, hoping he’d change his mind. “Don’t feel like you have to keep me company.”
“Oh, I know you’re not short on company. Seems like all three of the Strickland brothers are filling your dance card these days.”
I’d just made it into the restaurant when that comment froze me in my tracks. Turning to face him, I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He held up his hands and laughed. “Relax, honey, it was just a joke. Although, maybe you are into some super kinky shit? What would you call three brothers fucking one girl? A harem? No, that’s when a man gets it on with multiple women, right? A backward harem?”
I told myself to stay calm; I really did. Something about the triplets had given me back some of my attitude, though. I shook my head at Mark and narrowed my eyes. “You know what, honey, I think I’d rather dine alone than with you.”
Smile vanished, Mark scowled down at me. “What’s your deal?”
“One, I’m not your honey. Two, after barely knowing me, you asked me for a threesome in front of my friends. Three, you’re rude.”
“Four, you’re just not her type, asshole.” Andrew’s voice was pure steel from behind me. He rested his hand on my lower back, and I could feel the anger radiating from him.
Mark puffed out his chest and scowled, seeing someone he could really vent his anger at. “What the fuck is the deal with you and your freak brothers? You’re sniffing around her like a pack of dogs smelling a bitch in heat.”
Andrew gently and calmly moved me behind him before turning back to face Mark. “You’ve got seconds to fucking vanish before I embarrass you in front of your friends here.”
I backed away, not knowing what was going to happen.
“Oh, fuck you.” Mark swung at Andrew, his fist flying fast and hard through the air.
Andrew shifted, caught Mark’s arm as it missed his face, and yanked it down while simultaneously lifting his knee. Mark’s jaw made hard contact with Andrew’s knee before Andrew shoved him backward on the ground and squatted next to him. While Mark held his face and groaned, Andrew straightened his shirt like nothing had happened. “You’re going to leave now. Consider your invitation revoked. You have an hour to get the fuck out before I find you and let Lucas have a go at you. My freak brother likes getting his knuckles bloody. Your call.”
Mark swore and rolled onto his hands and knees before picking himself up and glaring at me. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then glanced at Andrew and thought better of it. His retreating back was a nice last picture of Mark to have in my mind.
The whole thing was over so quietly and fast that hardly anyone noticed. I just stood there, staring at Andrew, as he turned back to me and forced a smile. It was brittle, and I could see his jaw working as he worked through whatever was going on in his head. Finally, he moved into my space and leaned down so I would be the only person privy to his words. “We’re not freaks. And you’re not some bitch in heat. You’re the fucking sun, and that piece of shit will never have a chance to touch you because he doesn’t understand that. Worlds revolve around you. We get that. He never will.”
I blinked back tears and nodded. There was nothing for me to say. I knew they weren’t freaks. They were well-adjusted men who were decent and so kind. As for me? I felt like the sun when I was with them.
“What’s going on?” Macy’s angry voice rang through our private conversation and had me snapping back to reality like a bus had struck me.