Chapter 17
AfterWarrenleft,very late, for his photo session, I finished my shower and then found Andrew stumbling into the living room area of the suite, eyes squinted. His hair was sticking up everywhere and he was butt naked. When he heard me giggle, he spun around to face me, a relieved expression on his sleep-creased face.
“I thought you left.” He closed the distance between us and pulled me in for a tight hug. “I was worried we’d hurt you or scared you away.”
Another tug from my heart came at how sweet and innocent he sounded. I reached up and ruffled his hair, loving how unkempt he looked for a change. “I took a shower. I wasn’t in my best state when I woke up.”
Sinking onto the couch, he pulled me down on top of him and buried his face in my wet hair. “You smell like me. I like it.”
I stroked his face and grinned down at him. “You’re soft in the morning. It’s cute.”
He grunted. “Cute?”
I nodded. “Cute. You look like a little boy.”
“Woman, you’re killing me. None of those things are things a man wants to hear the morning after his first time with a woman.”
My cheeks warmed. “Well, I hope you mark it in your calendar. First time having a cupcake would be a great line to look back on and try to figure out why you’d chosen to ignore all the cupcakes you’d had before.”
He kissed my cheeks. “You’ll be lucky if you don’t wake up to a couple dozen bouquets of flowers this day every year for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, right.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Do you have plans today?”
He checked both arms for a watch and then both of mine, only finding the diamond bracelet that had survived the night and my morning shower. He also seemed to get distracted by what I was wearing. His white dress shirt from the night before, to be exact. His eyes focused in, and he ran his hand through his hair before touching the open neck of the shirt. “I’m never going to get tired of seeing this.”
My heart did more of the ditzy stuff it’d been doing. “Your plans?”
He groaned. “I have some calls to make and some family stuff before karaoke tonight.”
“Oh, yeah. Karaoke.” I scratched my nails against his beard, loving the feeling of his stubble. “Maybe you’ll get up and sing for everyone, huh?”
“Or maybe I’ll have a stroke and die instead. Either one sounds like about as much fun.”
I laughed until I glanced up and saw Lucas stumbling into the room, and it turned into a gasp. He looked like he’d gone three rounds with a tiger and lost. His chest was scratched all to hell and back, some of them angry looking. I covered my mouth with my hand as tears instantly peppered my eyes.
Andrew glanced over at his brother and chuckled. “Don’t worry, baby. It’s not as bad as it looks.”
Lucas rubbed his hand over them and sank onto the couch next to us, reaching for me. After pulling me into his lap, he hugged me tightly. “There’s a reason I wanted to be on bottom, Cupcake. Your nails are vicious, and I like them. I like these marks just as much as I like looking at my marks on you.”
I ran my hand over them and ignored the tears streaking my cheeks. “I hurt you. I’m so sorry. I don’t even remember doing this.”
Andrew swore and reached over to wipe the tears from my face. “Fuck, I don’t like seeing you cry.”
“Cupcake. I’m wearing badges of just how fucking good we made you feel. I like it a little rougher than the other two, anyway.” He ran his hands over my hip, where a bruise was showing. “Should we feel like shit for this?”
I looked at the bruise and shook my head. “I like how you hold me.”
“Then don’t feel bad about these marks. I plan on you leaving many, many more.” Lucas suddenly grinned and looked over at his brother. “Guess what I heard when I woke up for a minute this morning?”
“Was it the sound of Warren fucking our Cupcake in the shower? Because I’m pretty sure the dead in Canada would’ve heard it if not for these beautifully soundproofed walls.”
I gasped. “No!”
Lucas laughed. “Yes. You’ve got a set of lungs on you. If we’re ever someplace not so well protected, we’re going to have to find a gag for this sexy mouth of yours.”
Andrew grinned. “Plenty of gags around here. Two within touching distance.”
I frowned. “You’re not mad about this morning?”