Chapter 15
Steppingback,Icleared my throat and looked up at him. “Um. Hi.”
He looked me over with wide eyes and licked his lips. “Damn. You look really, really good, Sara.”
I shifted. “Thanks.”
“I thought I’d walk you to the dance. I know I have a lot to make up for the other night and that this is nothing, but it’s a start.” He smiled and offered his arm.
I bit back a groan. There was no way I could tell him no. It would be weird. We’d just be walking to the same place, at the same time, separately. Forcing a smile, I nodded. “Sure.”
His eyes went to my bracelet when I took his arm. “Wow. That’s impressive.”
I ran my fingers over the four rows of diamonds, feeling like something out of old Hollywood. The bracelet sat low on my wrist, dangling just enough to catch the light from different points and shine. It was so beautiful, and it did funny things to my heart. “Yeah.”
“A gift from an ex?”
I pretended I didn’t hear him as we climbed the stairs. The dance was in the ballroom, but the music was already spilling out to us. “Oh, wow. I’m going to need liquor if I’m expected to actually dance.”
“I can arrange that.”
I was fighting a frown when we turned the corner that led to the ballroom and I spotted Lucas standing outside the door. His eyes met mine and then did a slow crawl over my body. I could see the heat burning in those blue eyes from twenty yards away. Then, his eyes moved to Mark and he scowled. I had a moment of panic, worrying if he’d think I’d chosen to go with Mark, but I should’ve known better.
Lucas walked towards us, his normal t-shirt changed out for a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was combed back, and he looked like sin. I wanted to mess up his hair and do bad things with him. His gait was confident, and his hands in his pockets were only slightly threatening when paired with the hard edge to his jaw.
“Lucas.” Mark nodded and moved to actually grasp my arm. “Come on, Sara.”
Lucas stopped right in front of us and shook his head. “I need Cupcake for a moment.”
Mark snorted. “Cupcake?”
I bit my lip, feeling a smidge of my self-consciousness creeping near. “Go on in, Mark. I’ll see you in there.”
Lucas glared at Mark’s hand on me and nodded to the open doors behind him. “Bye.”
Mark shook his head but let go of my arm and backed away. “Sure.”
Lucas stepped closer to me but waited on Mark to leave us completely before he turned back to me and growled. “Are you trying to kill us? Jesus, Cupcake. You look like a walking orgasm right now.”
I did a spin for him, showing him the way the back of the dress dipped low and left most of my back bare. “Like it?”
He leaned in closer. “I’m going to fuck you in this dress. While you’re wearing those heels.”
Blood rushed to my face and between my thighs. I grabbed his arm for balance and sighed at the feeling of his muscle bunching under my hand. “You look really good yourself.”
He ran his hand down his face and blew out a rough breath before taking a step away from me and forcing a serene smile onto his face. “I can be a gentleman. I will be a gentleman. Let me walk you inside, Cupcake. There’s a buffet-style dinner and lots of booze. Plus, there’s an anxious Andrew who is dying to see you.”
I giggled. “Not an anxious Warren?”
“I told you. Warren is calm and serenity.” Lucas’s hand slipped low on my ass for a beat as he leaned closer and whispered. “But I’m pretty sure waiting on you has even him anxious.”
I paused just before we got to the doors. “This isn’t too much, is it?”
With a brilliant smile, Lucas shook his head and led me into the ballroom. The lights were dimmed, but I could still instantly see Warren and Andrew sitting off to the right side of the room. I watched as they both sat forward and Andrew even stood up before Warren grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
Lucas chuckled. “I think they approve.”
I spotted Megan waving at me and looked up at Lucas. “I’m going to make my rounds with the women.”