“Thank god.”
“And your family will be fine. Your parents will handle most of them. And if you need a break, just have Jason rush you away. It’s your wedding, Mace. Spoil yourself.”
She pulled me into a tight hug and held on. “I love you. Thanks for bringing me back down.”
I didn’t let go of her for a bit longer, guilt consuming me. “I love you, too.”
Finally, she pulled away and stood up. “Okay. I’ll let you get dressed and ready. Maybe a shower. You smell like a man. I’ll go ahead and order food for us, though. Meet me in half an hour?”
“That works for me. I’ll make sure to scrub the stench off of me for you.”
She rolled her eyes and waved me off before leaving.
I sank onto the bed and held my head in my hands. I was a monster. I was trash. I was the worst friend in the entire world. I hated myself in that moment.
A few seconds after the door shut, Lucas was kneeling in front of me, cupping my face in his hands. “That wasn’t great.”
I looked at him, at the sexy man who’d comforted me and then given me wild pleasure the night before, and felt so confused it hurt.
“I’m not even sure what to address first.” He trailed off. “I hadn’t thought about the torture we’d put you through when you were growing up. It left some scars, didn’t it?”
I closed my eyes and nodded. “I think…I think I need some time. I’m really struggling with what I’m doing to Macy.”
“You’re not doing anything to Macy. Making yourself happy isn’t a comment on your feelings for my sister. She knows you love her. And she loves you.” He sighed. “We do need to talk about our history, though. Will you meet us tonight so we can talk?”
I nodded. I needed answers. Ignoring everything from the past wasn’t going to work. When Macy brought it up, I still felt that ache from childhood. It hadn’t gone anywhere.
“Good.” Standing up, he pulled me up and into his chest and kissed the top of my head. “I don’t want to leave you feeling sad like this.”
“I’m okay. Besides, you heard your sister. I smell like a man. I need to shower and get ready to meet her.”
“Let me watch?”
I sent him a withering glare.
“You’re right. Terrible idea.” He looked through the peephole and paused with his hand on the door. “I’ll see you tonight, Cupcake.”
After Lucas left, I spent some time getting ready and then I went down to have brunch with Macy. Jason joined us, so it was relaxed, and we didn’t have to talk about her brothers anymore. I ate my feelings, which pretty much assured that I was going to look like stuffed sausage in my maid of honor dress, but I couldn’t help it. The resort had the best food. Plus, I was stress eating.
We spent a few hours together in the restaurant before Macy convinced me to run into town with her again. Maggie had latched onto her and wasn’t letting go, but Macy planned a trip to buy lingerie that would get rid of her underaged cousin. She wanted to get something special for Jason, so we went to the specialty lingerie shop in town with a driver from the resort. It was nice to get away with just her, and I could almost put aside what I was doing behind her back when we were away from everyone.
“Look at this one.” Macy held up a tiny piece of lingerie that looked like string more than underwear. “Jason would die.”
I laughed. “Is that what you’re going for? Dead husband?”
She put it back and then grabbed a bra set that was just as minimal. “This would look great on you.”
I rolled my eyes at her and moved on. “Are you planning on sticking to something white?”
“Why? We both know I’m not any kind of virginal.”
Laughing, I walked around and stopped short when I spotted the most beautiful piece of clothing I’d ever seen. I grabbed the beautiful white lace set that took my breath away and sighed wistfully without even realizing it. There was silk and lace, and it was all tied together with delicate ribbon. One light tug and the entire set would slip away. It was so sexy and stunning.
“Oh, Sara. That is so pretty. It’d look fabulous on you.”
I jumped and released it. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious. Get it. It’s gorgeous and you’d look like a sexy angel in it.” Macy grabbed the hanger and pushed it into my arms. “You have to.”