Nice. While I was thinking about spankings and enjoying giving multiple men a blowjob for the first time in my life. I knew my face burned red, and judging by the slight smirk on Mark’s face, he thought it was from him.
“Sara, hi. Macy and Jason have told me so much about you.” He reached out and pulled me into a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
I forced a smile and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I hope Macy kept her tales to the good stuff.”
Macy pushed me even closer to Mark and look over her shoulder. “Oh, Jason needs me! You two catch up!”
I dug my nails into my palms, telling myself that I deserved Macy setting me up and so much more. I turned back to Mark and made myself smile again. He could be a friend, I told myself. There was no point in putting up walls to a potentially great person.
“They’ve been talking nonstop about you for the past couple of weeks. I just went through a breakup and I heard you did, too. I guess they finally saw their chance.”
I frowned. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope it wasn’t too rough.”
“No, no, it wasn’t a long relationship.” He shrugged. “And it let me be single at a wedding. That’s always a plus.”
I barely kept myself from scowling. “I guess, yeah.”
A hand grazed my back and then took my elbow. “Hey, I’m teaming up with you for cooking. I need all the help I can get.”
Lucas. I looked up at him and fought the smile that threatened to overtake my face. He was saving me from being set up and left with Mark. I laughed easily and shrugged. “The trouble with being a professional, I guess?”
Mark ignored Lucas and reached out to squeeze my shoulder. “I’m in room 18. If you want to get together and talk about the breakups and stuff.”
Lucas didn’t even give me a chance to reply. He twirled me away and kept his big body between Mark and me until we were standing at our station, behind Andrew and a few tables down from Macy. He kept his eyes on the room around us, even as he spoke quietly to me.
“I’m going to send a fucking picnic to room 18, so that asshole can take a hike.”
I couldn’t control the laugh that bubbled out of me. I’d had a range of emotions that day, and seeing Lucas grumpy about someone flirting with me was my breaking point. It was painfully cute and so unexpected that all I could do was laugh. Tears leaked from my eyes, and I had to lean against the work station to keep from falling over.
The table shifted forward with a loud scream of metal on stone, drawing the attention of anyone who hadn’t already been looking our way. I straightened and gestured at the table like I was trying to apologize to it. Embarrassed, but unable to stop giggling, I covered my mouth and faced away from everyone.
“I know that nothing my brother said was that funny!” Macy called out, making other people laugh. “Who spiked Sara’s juice today?”
Shoulders shaking, tears pouring from my eyes, I was a mess of giggles. Andrew wanted to spank me. Lucas was jealous. And Macy was trying to set me up with someone who thought our breakups were good bonding material to hook up over. It was ridiculous.
Lucas’s deep laugh from next to me just made it all worse. How was I supposed to control myself when he was laughing, too? I only managed to gather myself when I looked up and saw Macy’s face.
Red and angry, she was watching one of her friends from college, Hannah, touching Andrew’s chest. That look, the anger and disappointment, was one that I knew could easily be directed at me. With that sobering thought, I braced myself on the work station and took in a deep breath. Macy was going to murder me if she found out.