I looked around, worried that we were going to look like a couple, but Lucas had picked the table well. We were behind everyone and off to the side, fading into the back of the bar. It was darker in the corner where we were and the candle burning on our table didn’t cast enough light to cut through it. It was perfectly romantic and sweet.
Lucas sat next to me and rested his arm along the back of my chair. “Anything I should know before you get tipsy on wine?”
“I’ll try to break into the kitchen to bake something if I get too drunk.” I winced. “Don’t let me.”
“Breaking in? Whatever happened to our little good girl Cupcake?”
I shrugged. “I was never all that good.”
“You were too good. With your sweet little overalls and high-top sneakers. You wore pigtails until you were sixteen.” Lucas reached over and ran his knuckle down my cheek. “You were too young and too innocent then.”
I swallowed. He remembered what I wore? “I’m not too young or innocent now.”
A wicked smile crossed his face. “You are. We just can’t stay away now.”
I shook my head, disbelieving that they’d had any trouble staying away from me. I had several boyfriends to act as proof that I was plenty resistible. “You’re overselling it.”
Lucas rested his hand on my thigh and leaned into my space. “You keep talking about yourself like you don’t see how fucking perfect you are.”
I shrugged one shoulder while meeting his gaze. Searching for proof that he was being serious, I swallowed back an unexpected wave of emotion. “My ex. I caught him cheating on me just a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t enough for him. The other woman…she was perfect. I’m…me. I’m chunky and boring. I’m vanilla. Not even good vanilla. I’m imitation vanilla.”
Frowning darkly, Lucas stood up and motioned behind him. When I turned to look, he caught my chin and turned my face back to him. “You’re coming to my room with me. We’re going to work on this attitude.”