He checked his watch and crossed his arms over his chest, his shoulders looking even larger. “One and a half minutes.”

“I’m ready to go now.”

Andrew just stared at me, a muscle in his jaw working. He was so put together that it drove me crazy. His black hair was perfectly combed and coifed, his clothes were perfectly styled and rested beautifully over his muscles. He was a majestic creature, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t an idiot. He couldn’t come into my room and boss me around.

I glanced around the room, trying to think if I needed anything else, but it was hard to think with Andrew standing in my room, looking so stern. “Do I need to bring a towel?”

“Just a jacket.”

I rolled my eyes and moved towards the door, but Andrew caught my arm and pulled me into his chest. Tilting my head back to see his face, I felt a pleasant shiver run down my spine and center itself in my core.

He leaned into me, his strong thigh pressed between mine. It had to be an accident; he couldn’t actually mean to brush his thigh against me there. “You don’t like listening, do you?”

I swallowed and shook my head. “Not to you.”

His eyes flashed and darkened. “I’d enjoy teaching you to follow directions, Cupcake.”

Anything smart I could’ve said flew out of my head and I found myself just staring up at him. Something in me responded to the silent challenge in his voice and the idea of pleasing him sounded too good. Before I could get anywhere with that fantasy, though, Andrew gently pushed me away and shrugged out of his own jacket.

“You either bring your own jacket, or you wear mine.”

I eyed the expensive coat that I knew would smell like him and frowned. I couldn’t wear his jacket. Growling, I stormed over to my suitcase and grabbed the first jacket I could get my hands on. “Fine. Let’s go.”

He walked to the door and grabbed the handle. “Too bad. I’d have liked seeing you in mine.”

I chose to ignore him and hurry down the hallway. Despite my speed, Andrew had no issues keeping up with me. His long legs covered twice as much ground as mine. My heart was racing, but I was ignoring that, too.

I didn’t stop walking until I got to the bus and hurried to the back, scooting past Lucas and Warren on the way. I made no eye contact and didn’t even breathe until I was sitting down in the back, next to another of the bridesmaids.

Karly looked up at me and smiled. “Hey! You okay? You look like you’re going to pass out.”

I watched Andrew get on the bus and sit with his brothers. He mumbled something to them, and Lucas glanced back at me, a smirk on his handsome face. Forcing myself to look back at Karly, I smiled and shrugged. “Just tired. I overslept.”

“And you had that headache last night. Today will make you feel better, though. These hot springs are apparently amazing. Did you read about them?”

Getting some distance from Andrew allowed me to clear my head enough to have a conversation. I shrugged off the last haze of lust and grinned. “Are you kidding? This is the coolest thing I’ve ever done. I read the brochure front, back, and sideways. I can quote the damn thing.”

“Same! Being rich must be so nice.”

“They say money can’t buy happiness, but I think this outing at the hot springs is going to show me differently.” I spotted Macy talking with Megan a few rows ahead and winked at her.

She raised up on her knees to lean over and talk to us. “You almost missed the hot springs!”

“In our next life, you need to learn to sleep in.”

We bantered back and forth on the way to the hot springs, with me doing everything in my power to not look at the brothers. It was an hour-long drive up the mountain to reach the hot springs. Once we got there, I wasn’t disappointed.

A tall cabin-like structure sat in front of us, on the peak of the mountain. The space around the cabin wasn’t large, and I knew from the brochure that the hot springs were behind it, the view off the back of the mountain stunning.

Snow covered the ground, and I was thankful for the jacket Andrew had forced on me. With that thought, I looked over at him and found him studying me. My cheeks reddened and I jerked my head straight ahead to avoid looking at him again.

Glossy pale wood welcomed us into the cabin, the temperature nice and warm. Andrew made his way through the crowd of us to speak to the woman at the front desk, and I watched as she swooned under his gaze. I crossed my arms and looked away, yet again. Only when I looked away, I met Warren’s hot gaze. He closed the distance between us and smiled down at me.

“Hey, Cupcake. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were avoiding me.”

I glanced around and saw that no one was paying any attention to us. “I’m not avoiding you.”

“You sure about that?” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “The suite isn’t the same without you.”