Chapter 6


I can hardly believe my luck.

No, not luck.

I feel blessed.

Here is this beautiful, intelligent, patient, good-humored, incredibly sexy woman, telling me she wants me.

I’m not holding back.


From her delicate face to her collarbones, her elegant hands to her exquisite pink-tipped breasts, her rounded hips to her long legs, she is so beautiful.

And her sweet pink folds are everything a man could dream of.

I nearly come myself when I’m licking her clit, and she guides me every step. Faster, a little lower, that’s it, oh my god Hugo yes yes right there!

I can follow directions.

And when we both take hold of my dick and guide it to her opening, I could weep at the goodness of it. Dara and me, locked together, her slick channel and my stiff cock, like french kissing with our bodies, like soul kissing…it’s so amazing I could die right now and never regret it.

I sleep with her in my arms. When I wake, her eyes are open. “Happy?” she asks me.

“Yes,” I say. “No. It’s not enough yet.”

She laughs in pure joy, and strokes her hand down my chest to my abdomen and lower, touching my spent cock gently. Two strokes and it’s no longer spent, desire raising it as the blood hurtles straight to my groin. She presses my dick to her wet split, rubbing the head of it over her little button, and I can tell it’s rousing her too. “You like that?” I ask.

“I really do.” Dara sighs. “You feel so good. So fucking good.”

Her swearing sets me off again, and I can’t hold back on the filthy words that want to come out of my mouth. “This pussy likes being kissed by my cock, doesn’t it? This little swollen clit loves to be kissed.”

She moans.

“Your nipples are hard, Dara. They want to be sucked.”

She moans again. I suck each nipple, a little harder than I did before, and she moans louder. I could swear I feel a gush of moisture against my cock, and I’m so hard now that all the blood has left my head. I stroke her clit with my cockhead a little stronger, a little more power in the motion, and Dara starts to moan nonstop. Between sucking her nipples I say more raunchy love things. “You taste so good. I could give up cereal and just live on pussy. Your pussy. But I can’t lick you now, I’m too busy making you come with my cock.”

I don’t know quite where all this dirty talk is coming from, but I like it.

Dara likes it.

“Open your eyes, sweetheart. Let me see you when you come.”

She moans again, then grabs for my cock and slips it inside her. “I want to come on your cock, baby. Fuck me.”

Well, twist my arm.

It doesn’t take her long before her inner walls are milking me, and I give in and let go. I give her everything I’ve got, and I’m not sorry.

I haul her into my arms, and this time we sleep all night.

Over breakfast, she asks me to go with her to her cousin’s wedding. “I wasn’t going to ask anyone to go,” she says, a frown line between her brows. “I don’t need a date.”

“No,” I say, scooping a spoonful of my lemon yogurt and feeding it to her. “But you need me.”

Her eyes meet mine, and she begins to smile. “I guess I do, at that.” She laughs, suddenly. “I never dreamed five minutes with someone would be enough to know that I had found The One.”

I laugh too. “It took me thirty seconds. Thirty seconds, and I knew. I just knew.”

She reaches to cup my cheek in her hand. “I just knew, too.” Her smile grows wicked. “So…professor. You got anything else to teach me today?”

I clear my throat, delighted. “I believe in self-directed learning, you know. Let’s just learn as we go, okay?” I kiss her nose. “I think we have the rest of our lives to learn how to make each other happy.”

She smiles like the sun coming up.