“Hi, sweetheart!”

My grandmother’s eyes are as warm as ever, even if the wrinkles around them are deeper than they used to be.

“Hi, Granna!” I give her a tight hug, inhaling the familiar smell of her Chanel No. 5 and hairspray. “It’s so nice to be back here! Especially since it’s not just for a visit this time.”

“We’re so thrilled to have you stay with us until you find your own place,” she says. “I know you’re excited about your job.”

“I’m just a little bit excited,” I admit. I let go of Granna and get a big old Grampa hug, complete with the smells of pipe tobacco and shaving cream.

“Now, you stay as long as you like,” he says into my hair. “We’ve got plenty of space and we’re looking forward to spoiling you. Don’t let your grandmother shoo you off before we’ve had a good time together.”

“Bill,” Granna huffs at him, hands on hips, “she’s a grown woman now and she’ll want her own place.”

“Well, I want to spoil her in the meantime,” he huffs back, letting go of me and picking up one of my suitcases.

“I can take that, Gramps.”

“So can I,” he says, heading off inside with it. I eye him closely, but his balance is good and he seems to be carrying it easily.

“Don’t worry, Bella,” Granna says. “He’s been going to the gym three days a week since he retired. He even did a yoga class with me on Thursday.”

I hadn’t realized I’d been worried, but seeing them strong and fit is so reassuring.

“Can I help?” a pleasant male voice says from behind me.

I turn, and recognize Austin Reese, who lives next door. I had quite the crush on him when we were teenagers, and he is even handsomer than he used to be. In fact, in gray sweatpants and a maroon Virginia Tech sweatshirt, he’s downright delicious, with long lean muscles under those sweats.

Before I can answer, Granna jumps in. “Oh, Austin, that would just be so kind of you! Belinda’s moving in with us for her new job—did you know? She’s going to be HR director at Hopedale Hospital! She starts on Monday.”

“Congratulations,” Austin says. He picks up the biggest suitcase I brought with me. “How about I take this?”

“Assistant HR director,” I correct Granna, embarrassed.

“That’s still awesome,” Austin says. “So…you’re going to be living in Rivertown? That’s very good news.”


“Well, did you know Austin’s CEO of his daddy’s company now?” Granna says to me, sounding impressed.

“Chief operating officer, not CEO,” Austin says, correcting Granna too.

“Oh, pshaw.” She waves a hand. “Point is, y’all should be impressed with each other. Even if I don’t get the details right.”

Austin pauses in carrying my suitcase to the front door to grin conspiratorially over his shoulder at me, then turns back to hoist my suitcase over the doorstep.

I must say, I’m enjoying the back view here. Thoughtful enough to help haul a suitcase, handsome, has a sexy smile and a successful career and has a smokin’ hot ass? Yes, please!

My teenage self had better taste than I’d remembered.

Austin helps us carry in all my stuff, too, hauling box after box up to the second floor without a murmur of complaint. Granna invites him to stay for brunch, but he says he’s just eaten. So she plies him with homemade oatmeal-cinnamon chip cookies instead. “Bless your heart, Austin, that was just above and beyond. So sweet of you.”

I could swear he’s blushing. “Well, I had ulterior motives,” he says self-deprecatingly.

“You could’ve had cookies just for the asking,” Granna teases.