Page 14 of Cursed Storm

The supernatural world was known for gossip. News spread fast and if a strange man came walking about, undoubtedly the city would be abuzz with questions. Maybe the attack took attention from his arrival. But, on the other hand, it could have been just a strange coincidence.

“We need to get back to focusing on Samara,” I said quietly. I wanted to end the curse and maybe find a way to cut off the bond. Even though my heart pinched at the thought of not being connected to Emily anymore, I knew it would be better for her to be disconnected from me. I was nothing but bad luck, and the attack on Cassian’s pack only solidified my conviction of that.

Morgan sighed dramatically. “Just forget about Samara, Grif. She’s elusive and anyone who knows anything doesn’t want to talk. We’ve been trying to find her for months, and we’ve come up empty-handed every damn time.”

She was hesitant to speak about Samara, more so now than usual. I’d asked Morgan about her missing presence over the past few days, and she’d just shrugged and reiterated that she’d been busy with the bar.

Usually I would believe her, but she’d been so determined to help in the beginning because finding the witch would prove an end to my and Emily’s bond as well as the curse. But now she kept pushing me to drop the search, and just go back to normal.

I decided to try a different tactic.

“If we find her, then maybe we can get into her good graces, and she would help with ending the mating bond. And then, you and I can get back to our life—you know, before all this drama started.” I looked at her intensely, attempting to convey my intention of pursuing something with her.

It was a low blow, but I knew Morgan wanted more. Her actions had shown me repeatedly, and for the time being, I had no one else in my corner.

I’m a jerk—a no-good loser. But I convinced myself that I was manipulating my friend for survival.

Her eyes narrowed and she bit her lower lip in consideration. “Fine, we’ll keep looking. But when we find her, we get your mating bond cut and go back to how we were. Leave the killing to Cassian or one of the other mutts.”

Irritation flared at the way she spoke about the other werewolves, and this time I was the one that balked in surprise. I hated that word, mutt. It’s a word I’d been called on more than one occasion, each time leaving me feeling more disgusted than the last. But hearing Cassian’s pack referred to as such, made me tense.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Cassian had pulled me into the fold and let me have a place at the warehouse. Maybe it had to do with the fact that even though the other wolves didn’t trust me, they warmed up to me really quickly that night, and we’d set aside our differences.

Morgan narrowed her eyes again, not missing the irritation in my expression. I covered it up by agreeing with her and making her believe that my irritation was in response to the mention of those “mutts.”

“Okay. Well, if we agree on going back to normal life, then I’ll see if I can find someone who is willing to talk. It might take a while because witches are definitely still terrified of her, and the werewolves hate me, so none of them want to talk to me about anything. I haven’t tried the Black Hole yet, I’ll go by there,” Morgan said with a loaded sigh and moved to her bag by the door.

The Black Hole was the shadiest place in the city, run by the worst of the worst supernaturals. This was the place where people bought drugs, fought to the death for small amounts of money, and shared power by drinking each other’s blood.

We hardly ever came across vampires because they were mostly in Europe, but there were two of them down in the Black Hole who ran the place. They encouraged other species to power-share and got off on watching them drink from one another.

It’s been said to be really addicting, giving you access to another species’ power for a short burst of time. But, it was also extremely dangerous; you always wanted more and left you with a hunger that could never be satiated. At least, that’s what I heard. So, I have never tried or wanted to try it, as it is one more vice that I didn’t want to deal with.

Since the attack, getting any leads from Kellan’s pack was a bad idea. If we were going to get information, it would most likely be in the Black Hole. “I’ll come with you, it’s not safe,” I said simply and stood to follow her out.

“I’ll be fine.” Morgan scoffed, but her assurance didn’t put me at ease. “I know a few guys down there; they’ll help me around.”

I glared at her and she rolled her eyes. I might not have any romantic feelings toward her, but I felt protective of Morgan. She was still my closest friend, and at this point, I didn’t have many of them.

“Besides, you’ll just scare everyone off with that permanent scowl of yours. I’ll be back as soon as I can and tell you everything.”

“Fine. But if you’re not back in two hours, I’ll be crashing the Hole,” I warned.

“Three hours,” she countered. “If there’s trouble, I’ll call.” She shot me a serious look, and with a laugh, she bounced out of the apartment without another word.

The temptation to follow her was almost too much to resist.

I had no idea who Morgan’s guys were in the Black Hole. I still didn’t know much about her life and the people in it. Perhaps they came from her dad, a protection gift after his death. Or maybe Morgan just had a habit of making friends with questionable characters.

Unfortunately, who she chose to spend her time with and work with wasn’t up to my choosing. But, if it got the job done, there was no reason for me to question her either.