Page 45 of Cursed Storm


Two days had passed since I’d seen Emily kissing Griffin. I still hadn’t spoken to her, and my wolf was growing antsy being away from her for so long. But my wolf also wanted to tear Griffin apart for touching my mate, making me keep my distance.

I knew Emily wasn’t my property—or even my girlfriend if I’m being technical—but seeing her with him made something primal in me wake up, which only drove us further apart.

But she was my mate. My best friend. I loved her and couldn’t help that I was so protective of her. Even before finding out about the bond, I’d have done anything for Emily.

I admit, my reaction may have been a bit strong—given I tore Griffin’s bedroom apart. I understood that he was also her mate and was probably having the same desires as me but knowing all that only made me even more pissed.

Too pissed to talk to Emily.

Too pissed to think rationally.

I didn’t want to share her, but I didn’t want to lose her. It was like I was teetering over the edge of a cliff. One side led to safety, while the other was my downfall. But to obtain safety meant sharing that haven, which I wasn’t thrilled to do.

I could take a chance on falling over the cliff, demanding she choose between us, but what if she chose him? I couldn’t bear the thought, which was why I refused to call or text her back. Even though Ember had insisted I do.

But, of course, I ignored her. Instead, I chose to snap at my beta and run my pack ragged with investigations on the feral wolves. Anything to keep my mind occupied. I hadn’t found out much information about the wolves or Samara, but it’d only been a few days since the report on the radio. Sometimes progress came slowly, and you have to be patient. That’s what Grace had taught me.

“Cassian,” Ember called out as I walked down the hallway toward the den, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into reality. “Can we talk?”

I’m not proud to admit I’d been ignoring her, brushing her off when she wanted to talk. Not intentionally, of course. I’d just been so busy with everything and didn’t have time for socializing. Plus, she and Emily had grown so close, I figured she’d take her side, and I didn’t want to hear it.

“I can’t right now, but maybe we can sit down later—”

“No!” she snapped, cutting me off. “I’ve been waiting, and you refuse to make time, so I’m forcing it. We need to talk. Now.”

I sighed and said, “But Ember, my pack needs me.”

“I need you too, Cass. Remember, I’m in a place without Emily, or anyone else I’m close with, surrounded by wolves that still aren’t fond of my being here. Don’t forget, I’m sensitive to their feelings, so don’t even try to tell me I’m being dramatic.”

“Well, what about Leila and Selene, the two wolves at the party? You guys seemed like you got along swell,” I reasoned.

Ember stomped her foot down, placing her hands on her barely-clad hips. “They’re busy, and I’m sure they don’t want me showing up at their door, interrupting their time with the members that hate me.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but she held up a finger and continued.

“Stop being so immature and talk to Emily already. Quit avoiding her. It’s been two days, and you need to get over it.” I turned away to leave, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face her. “I understand that you’re mad she kissed Griffin, but he’s her mate, too. You can’t stop them from being together, just as he can’t stop you and Emily. You’re both feeling the pull toward her, Cassian.”

Rubbing the bridge of my nose, my tone was slow, and held a bite of anger. “Emily was on the bed with Griffin. Making out. Hell, they probably would’ve done more if I hadn’t interrupted them. You think I want to talk to someone who doesn’t even care about how I feel about it? I was only in the other room, and she didn’t even have the courtesy to wait until they were truly alone.”

“I understand, but you need to clear the air with her. Tell her why you’re mad, but don’t ignore her. She wants to make up with you, Cass. She misses you. And you both deserve to work this out.”

I considered what Ember said, but instead of showing gratitude, I huffed and agreed I’d talk to Emily later. Her lips were pulled tight, and she wasn’t fully pleased with my answer, but it was the only thing I could offer at the moment. No sense in making false promises when she could read through my lies.

* * *

True to my word, I drove to Griffin’s apartment to speak with Emily. I didn’t want to text her, but I hoped I wouldn’t be interrupting anything between them. The last thing I wanted was to see them in bed together.

After I arrived, I knocked on the door and waited patiently for… Morgan to answer?

She opened the door, inviting me in like she owned the place. Well, I guess in a literal sense, she did. Emily and Griffin were swaying on their stools by the island, obviously hammered. But Morgan seemed perfectly sober.

Why was she there? And why was she being so buddy-buddy with Em?

“Guess who’s here?” Morgan announced, more chipper than I was used to seeing her. Ironically, Morgan in a good mood left me feeling more uneasy than when she was being a bitch.

Emily’s face went blank, her eyes wide as she breathlessly whispered my name. “Cass.” She stood from the stool, her balance unsteady, and stumbled over to me, pausing when she stood in front of me.