Page 17 of Cursed Pack


Ipulled the pants on that I’d discarded right before the change took over and my heart dropped at the sight of the key on the floor. She left… I knew it was a bad idea. I sighed remembering the moments before the change. Having Emily’s hands on my chest, I started to realize that maybe it wasn’t just the bond that made me feel the way I did. It definitely added to it, but it was becoming harder to deny the feelings I had, ones I thought my father and brother beat out of me, ones where caring brought pain.. She was creeping in and I had no idea what to do with that. I wasn’t good for her. I was destructive and I’d created a life on the run, I already knew that I had to move again. Kellan knew I was in New York, it was only a matter of time before they found me.

But last night, I wanted to forget, I wanted to get lost in Emily’s touch. I just wanted to let my guard down for a short while. Maybe it was for the best that she couldn’t stand the sight of the change, she was probably disgusted and I wouldn’t be surprised if Emily had already left the apartment. It’s definitely for the best. I had to pack my bag and head to the woods I’d left so long ago. She’d be safe if they caught me—maybe I would let them just so that they would leave her alone. Cassian would be able to help her end the curse and find her mother. Morgan would be upset for a little while, but she would move on too. It would be what’s best for all of them.

My hands shook as I fastened my jeans and grabbed the key—I was scared. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I was scared to go back. The things I’d seen, the things I’d done… No one could ever love me if they knew.

The lock clanged as I turned the key and I sighed at the empty basement. It was cold, but I was still covered in sweat. With every step, I fought the pain as the ache started to wear off. I turned and almost tripped over the bundle on the floor. Blonde hair fanned out over the dusty floor, Emily had pulled her arms and legs into a tight ball. She shivered slightly but she was in a deep sleep. You stayed… I smiled and bent to her. I gently pushed the hair from her face and she moaned softly.

I tucked an arm under her knees, the other under her back and lifted. She curled into me and I gasped at how cold her fingers were against my bare chest. She moaned again and moved closer to me, taking as much heat as she could.

I carried her to my bedroom and paused before putting her down, enjoying the closeness before I left. Her head lay on my shoulder and I could feel her breath against my neck, making me shiver. I put her down gently. Her eyes stayed shut as I pulled the blanket over her. Emily smiled in her sleep and my heart skipped. I wanted this rare moment to let myself drown in my new feelings for a short while. I watched her sleep for a few minutes, memorizing her details—how her eyelashes rested on her slightly pink cheeks, her soft parted lips that I nearly kissed last night, and her blonde hair that caressed her collarbone. I bent and kissed her gently on her forehead. Goodbye, Emily.

Time to pack and leave. Cassian would get here soon to take care of Emily. Not that she really needed to be taken care of. Her magic was getting better, and soon, no one would be able to hurt her.

I turned and took a step toward the door when Emily’s hand wrapped around my wrist. Her fingers felt warmer. I smiled, unexpectedly relieved that she woke up. I’d get to see her blue eyes before I left. As I looked at her, some of my fear disappeared.

“Hello, Princess,” I said gently. Emily launched herself into my arms, surprising me. “I should carry you to bed more often.”

“That was horrible. You’re okay. I’m going to end this, I swear,” she rambled, her words laced with panic. I wanted to make her feel better and lightening the mood was the only way that I knew how.

“I’d pay to see you smoke Samara.” I pulled back a little, but I kept my hands on her waist. “I need to go. Cassian is going to be here soon, and I have a long way to go.”

“Can’t someone else go?”

“And steal my chance at being the hero?” I smirked.

She raised her eyebrow at me and then stilled, her eyes drifted to my bare chest. I winked at her and she flushed but smiled.

“Put a shirt on Langston,” she teased but didn’t step away. “Please don’t get yourself killed.”

I pulled her closer again, and she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my skin.

“Am I interrupting?” Cassian’s voice made us jump apart. Emily took two steps away from me.

“Cass, no… we were just…” Emily stumbled over her words.

“Oh, relax, Alpha. I’m on my way out, and since I might die, I asked Emily for a farewell hug,” I stated blandly. “On that note, I’ll be leaving.”

I could see the anger on Cassian’s face. He looked between Emily and me. Emily crossed her arms over her chest. Her cheeks were flushed, and she avoided making eye contact with me. I laughed once and shook my head. Cassian’s eyes traveled to my bare chest. I enjoyed the reaction. He was always so certain that Emily was his, and now doubt was written all over his face. I walked past and patted his shoulder.

“Send a message when you get there,” he grumbled.

“Sure,” I said and grabbed a shirt and my bag and headed out the door.

I climbed onto my motorcycle and pulled into the quiet street, the growl of the engine rumbled through me. I loved the feeling of riding, it was a different type of freedom. The cold air bit at my exposed skin, but I welcomed it after the last two days of emotional uncertainty. I still had no idea what was happening with Emily; the only certain thing was how I was starting to feel about her. I thought back to how I wanted to get her to fall for me to hurt Cassian—and I still hated Cassian for how he treated me—but now, I couldn’t use Emily like that.

The two-hour ride went too quickly. The closer I got, the more the thoughts from earlier disappeared and were replaced with a heaviness. I remembered these woods—I’d tried to forget them, but it was impossible. I stopped a short distance from camp to cover my motorcycle with leaves and branches. Kellan didn’t know about it, but my scent was on it. I touched the charm around my neck and hoped that Morgan’s ward still worked. Shit, Morgan… I didn’t tell her about this. I pulled out my phone and typed out a message.

Me: Out of town for a few days, no service. I’ll call when I get back.

I put my phone on silent and shoved it into my back pocket. It was a misty day, the clouds were heavy with the threat of rain, and the trees swayed in the breeze. It would be miserable if it rained, but at least it would help to cover my tracks. I had to remember where the patrol routes were and hope that they hadn’t changed them; it would be really awkward to walk right into one of the scouts.

The woods were very much the same as they were four years ago when I left, the rustling trees swallowed me into a sea of emerald and brown. There were birds chirping in the highest branches, out of sight and out of reach. I walked quietly, listening to every snap and crunch, sniffing the air every few feet. The camp was deep in the woods, Victor and his father before him had expanded the camp and built wood cabins three decades ago. It now housed over a hundred werewolves.

The Langston pack was the second largest in America—Knox’s pack was the biggest—and they were all bloodthirsty and savage.

It grew quieter as I neared the camp perimeter, the birds stopped chirping, the squirrels and foxes stopped rustling through the leaves, and an eerie silence settled over the area. I could see my old cabin, where Kellan had held Emily and my fists clenched at my sides. Victor had moved me into the cabin when I turned five because I could take care of myself in the most basic ways, and it was the best way for him to get me out of his hair.