Devlin props his chin on Blair’s head and cuts his gaze to me. “Ready to head home?”

“Yes. I have the proof one way or another. Time to do what I do best.”

“You’re a real piece of work when you go into blackmail mode.” Devlin smirks, tossing me a set of keys. “Here, take that one. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” I call to them as Devlin opens the passenger door for Blair. “No one I’d rather commit a crime with than you two.”

Blair snorts, glancing up at Devlin.

“Go be the Batman to your girlfriend.” He nods to me before he gets in the driver’s seat and revs the engine.

I watch as the wheels throw gravel and dust while Devlin pulls out of the quarry.

Getting into the car Blair had been driving, I grip the wheel tight. I’m a man on a mission as I turn the ignition and drive home.



When my call goes to Connor’s voicemail, I hang my shoulders in defeat. I thought things would be better after our amazing night in the mountains, but I haven’t been able to get a hold of him for days. Every time I look across the space between our windows, his light has been off.

“You’ve reached Bishop. You know I don’t check this shit, so I don’t know why you’re bothering. Text me.”

There goes my plan to invite him with Maisy and I to the holiday bazaar downtown. Winter break is off to a great start with my boyfriend back to avoiding me.

With a sigh, I set my phone next to the rainbow clock on my nightstand and flop on the bed, hugging my stuffed sea lion.

An unpleasant flutter fills my chest.

Could Connor be bored with me? If he is, why would he tell me…

I close my eyes and just breathe for a second to stop the racing thoughts and nasty inner voice that makes me doubt everything. No matter how hard I try, I can’t keep it at bay.

You’re not good enough to keep someone like him. He’ll forget you soon enough.

I swallow past the lump in my throat. The thoughts chew me up, leaving me raw and vulnerable. Curling on my side, I hug the sea lion tighter, burying my face in the plush fuzziness.

I can’t go back to being invisible. Not to him.

After a few minutes of breathing through the thorns twining around my heart, pricking at every insecurity, I get up and pat my puffy cheeks.

“This calls for double chocolate fudge cupcakes.”

With a sniffle, I text Maisy before the evening yoga sessions start at the wellness and recreation center she volunteers for.

Thea: Great British Bake Off marathon after your class?

Maisy: You got it, dude. Which season?

Thea: [hiding monkey emoji] All of them…?

Maisy: Oh lordt. Should I cancel class? The yoga moms can survive one day without their warrior 2 and downward dog.

Thea: No, no. I’m going to bake us cupcakes until you get here. See you after class!

Maisy sends me two peace sign emojis and promises not to eat all the cupcakes this time. I pull on the hoodie I stole from Connor, press the neckline to my nose, and close my eyes. It feels like he’s hugging me when I wear it.

Downstairs, Constantine follows me into the kitchen while I tie my hair back in a pony tail. A few minutes later I have the oven preheating, my supplies are out, and the cupcakes are underway.