It takes a long minute to control the powerful instinct to punch through the wall as hard as I can as an outlet for the rage.

I snap several photos on my phone, documenting closeups of the name tags, each necklace, and the hidden compartment in the drawer. My phone vibrates with an incoming call, sending my heart into an awful adrenaline spike. It’s Thea.

My chest goes tight and my attention drops to her necklace, second in the row. What a cruel twist of fate that she ended up vulnerable and pliant to fall into this monster’s trap. “I’m sorry, baby.”

I grip my phone tight, rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand, and let her call go to voicemail. I can’t afford to get distracted when I need to be ready for Devlin and Blair’s signal while I search. If I answered, I don’t know if I’d be strong enough to keep this secret from her. As soon as I give the crow guys what they want, I’m telling Thea everything.

And I’ll never let her near Coleman again. She’ll be safe.

Once I know she’s protected, I’m coming for Coleman. The proof of his evil is here. If Landry won’t listen to me, I’ll go over his head. Whatever it takes to put Coleman away for his crimes.

He won’t hurt anyone ever again.

Putting everything back the way I found it in the drawer is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Every part of my being screams at me to grab the necklaces, that it’s wrong to let Coleman keep these like he hasn’t been caught. With a rough sound, I turn my back on the bureau.

A single nightstand sits beside the bed. I head there next.

For a minute, I stare down at the dark wood, rubbing my fingers to gear up to continue the search. I force out a ragged breath and brace for the worst as I open the first drawer. My nose wrinkles at the tube of lotion mixed in with an inhaler and other odds and ends. There’s nothing else, so I go for the second drawer.

At first glance, anyone could mistake it for a junk drawer.

But amongst charm bracelets, a headband, two leather cuffs, and a picture keychain I find a silver locket. Trophies. Before I do anything, I pull up my phone camera and grab several shots of the drawer’s contents.

My hand shakes as I take the locket, checking it.

The initials CT are engraved on the silver heart.

This is the one.

My gaze flicks from the bed back to the drawer. He keeps them right next to where he sleeps. An uncomfortable shudder wracks my body.

“I will end you, if it’s the last thing I ever do,” I growl, stuffing the locket in my pocket.

I have what I came here for, but I want to keep going. As soon as I finish the bedroom, my phone buzzes, signaling my time is up. Opening the group chat confirms it.

Blair: On the move. 15min ETA.

A second later, Devlin revs the engine outside.

“Damn it.” I cast a glance around the room I was checking.

Connor: 2 mins [sweat smile emoji]

Devlin: Now. Christ, only you would use emojis at a time like this.

Gritting my teeth, I rush into the living room to check the download status. A relieved breath leaves me. It finished. I’ve got it all. Ejecting the thumb drive and closing out of everything, I put his computer to sleep the way I found it.

Once I’m outside, I cut through the shadows and bushes, emerging on the street as if I was there all along. Moving quickly, I slide into the passenger seat of Devlin’s car. He doesn’t wait until my door is fully closed before pulling away, peeling down a side street and shifting gear.

It’s not until we’re five minutes away that he speaks. “Did you find it?”

“Yeah.” I stare out the window, fist covering my mouth. “I’ll show you when we meet up with Blair.”

Devlin scoffs, shaking his head. “Knew he wasn’t right.”

While he drives, I reach in the back and take out my tablet fr

om the backpack on the floor, plugging in the encrypted drive. I push off my hood and drag off the beanie as the thumb drive connects. My throat goes dry and scratchy once I get into Coleman’s files.