Weeks of planning brought me here, sitting shotgun in one of Devlin’s dad’s cars—one of the lower end luxury models to blend in—parked near Harold Coleman’s house.

Tonight, I’m breaking into my English teacher’s house for a group of mysterious hackers obsessed with crows and skulls.

He lives on a quiet street on the outskirts of the town center, with only a handful of other houses on the block. Most are decorated for the holidays, lit up and festive. His is the only one that’s not decked out, except for a sad little lawn sign that says happy holidays with a snowflake on it.

Winter break starts tomorrow. We picked tonight because Coleman would be stuck late at school with meetings to close out the first semester. Blair’s tailing him as our lookout, Devlin’s the getaway driver, and my job is breaking in to get the locket the Anonymous wannabes demanded before they give me the dirt on Coleman.

“You’re sure about this? The time to back out is now.” Devlin rests his hand over the wheel. He’s a ride or die friend, no matter what I say he’s down to back me.

I think about how pretty Thea was the other night at the dance in her gauzy pink dress, then later, even more beautiful beneath blinking Christmas lights in the back of my SUV. My heart squeezes.

“No doubts, bro.” Devlin and Lucas both found their queens in Blair and Gemma. I’m doing this to make sure mine has her place of honor by my side. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her. “I’m going in there.”

Devlin gives me one of his sadistic grins. He’s living for this epic mischief making. This is bigger than any of our pranks.

“What do you think you’ll find?” Devlin muses.

I suppress a shudder. I haven’t wanted to think about it, braced for the most depraved shit my twisted imagination could think of.

“The truth. Probably a sad as fuck, lonely life.”

Devlin hums in agreement.

I haven’t told Devlin and Blair everything. I glossed over the details about Thea, but explained how the hackers got into my system when I found something connecting Coleman to a creepy online persona. Devlin is the one who guessed Coleman has an interest in Thea going off my short fuse and his own observations.

Blair’s been ready to cut off Coleman’s balls ever since, sitting in third period English like she’s prepared for battle.

We’re waiting for her confirmation in the group chat on our phones before I go. Her criminal tendencies and pick-pocketing talents have come in handy planning out the logistics of tonight.

“What’s the psychology behind a predator?” I ask.

Devlin cocks his head in thought. He has a strong interest in psychology, always carrying a book with him.

“It always comes down to power. But in this case, it’s like the victims aren’t people. They serve their purpose fulfilling a sexual desire. A predator is a hunter. They know to set themselves up for success by working on a victim who is vulnerable and already susceptible to being manipulated into doing whatever the predator wants,” he says after a minute. “It’s abusive.”

The answer has my blood boiling. Thinking of Thea in that frame of mind, her window right across from mine.

Damn it.

Our phones ping at the same time. When I check, I shake my head.

Blair: All this sneaking around brings back memories [smirk emoji]

Devlin’s answer pops up in the conversation.

Devlin: [smirking devil emoji] you just wait until we get home, little thief.

“Can you two not flirt in the group chat? You’re nauseating with your lovey-dovey sap shit.”

Devlin just smirks while Blair sends a selfie of her leather-glove covered middle finger in front of her face to our group text. A minute later, she hits us up again.

Blair: Ok, meeting started. Timer begins now.

With the go ahead, I tug a beanie on and put up the hood on my black hoodie.

“Gloves,” Devlin says, handing them over.

“Thanks, man. For everything.”