I was right. She was hiding more secrets. Everyone lies; haven’t I learned that lesson enough times by now?

Somehow, victory doesn’t taste great. A bitter tang fills my mouth as I click on a few of the posts, skimming the comments. It’s a small relief that the blog seems inactive, but if she pulled it up recently, she might be thinking about using it again.

So help me, if she posts any of her pictures to this shit now, I will put her on lockdown and fry her devices so fast.

Ironic, since I’m using her nudes to blackmail her. A snort shakes my shoulders. Whatever, semantics.

My eyes narrow as I scroll through. Most of the comments make me scoff, but some of the creepier ones have my sk

in crawling. One username catches my eye.

Henry_Your_GoodKnight: Beauty beyond measure princess, but what really gets me is the way you smile. Your intelligent eyes say it all, love. You’re longing for the world to show you all it has to offer.


That one has internet predator written on it in neon blinking lights. I’m about to doxx this fucker for being all over her blog, on every post with multiple comments. The law can suck it. I’d be doing them a favor. Thea better not have given this guy the time of day.

Why the fuck would she subject herself to this for so long without blocking these basement-dwelling neckbeards?

I knew her security was lax as hell when I first hacked her computer, but doesn’t she understand how easily this creep or any other on the internet could find her? She didn’t even block her photos from download permissions or hide the metadata, putting her location on blast to any dickhead with half a brain.

Shaking my head, I close out of the window.

This girl is going to get me in a mess of trouble, throwing wrenches into my carefully laid plans. I’m supposed to be biding my time until I can break away from this place. All I needed was a fake girlfriend—one of my choosing—to show up when I needed her.

The plan was never someone seducing me with her curvy body, her addictive scent of fresh baked cookies that clings to her skin and hair, and that bright smile. How has a girl that exudes so much sunshine gone under my radar from so long?

Because it’s all a lie. A girl like Thea is too good to be true.

I set an alert to notify me when she pulls this site up so I can keep an eye on her like a corrupt guardian angel.

Those protective instincts kick back in, rearing up with the urge to bust down her front door and stand between her and the world.



Sitting in the middle of my bed, armed with my stuffed sea lion, I’m throwing a pity party. I can’t kick the down and dirty feeling. It’s clung to me all day, ever since Mr. Coleman found Connor and I in a compromising position.

One where I was definitely about to kiss him.

How can I want to kiss my bully after all the crap he’s put me through?

He’s blackmailing you, girl!

My inner voice of reason sounds like Maisy today and I nod in miserable agreement. “I know.”

But I did want that kiss. I would have thrown away my first on a fake, though, and that doesn’t sit right with me. It’s a good thing Mr. Coleman showed up when he did.

I flip my phone in my hands a few times, playing with the cupcake grip on the back. Messaging him has been on my mind, or at least reading back through it all. I think I’m ready to see it now.


Taking a breath, I unlock my phone and scroll to the beginning.

After weeks of talking to him, the first photo I sent seems so tame. As I skim through the message history, my body warms up, my clit throbbing when I get to one of his dirtier messages.

Can’t stop thinking about those sweet sounds you make. You make my cock so hard, I want to bury it in you so deep you’ll never get me out, baby. Just you and me, fused together. How does forever sound to you?