“I want to see Chief Landry’s face when he gets here so I can look him in the eye when I tell him I fucking told him so.”

“It doesn’t matter now. As long as they stop him from attacking and abusing others.” Thea puts her head on my good shoulder and I cradle her close.

I can’t stop touching her. It’s vital I feel her in my arms, to know she’s okay.

“Who are they?” Thea murmurs.

A black SUV rolled up a minute ago, stopping near the ambulance. The windows are tinted. It doesn’t seem like regulation, and the car model is way too expensive for a government budget.

“Feds?” I squint as the doors open and one by one the agents get out. “Maybe some kind of elite prodigy squad, they don’t seem old enough.”

They’re not like the FBI agents shown in the movies at all, despite dressing the part with long dark coats and sunglasses at night. All four of them are tall, imposing figures. Tattoos creep up the side of some of their necks and onto the backs of hands as they adjust their sleeves and cast assessing glances around. One with thick, slicked back blond hair gives orders to one of the other guys with inky hair and a contemptuous frown.

“Ten minutes. In and out,” the blond agent says curtly. He addresses the most hostile looking guy in the group. “Keep it clean.”

A dangerous vibe rolls off them and people give them a wide berth as soon as they move like shadows through the bustling scene, spreading out. Agent Grumpy heads in the house, while the rest follow the domineering blond dude who must be in charge.

The agent stops an officer by planting a hand on his chest. The officer is annoyed until the fed removes his sunglasses and speaks too low for us to hear. Whatever he says, it has the officer heeling to his chain of command, jerking a thumb behind him at the squad car where Coleman is in custody.

He motions to another officer and Coleman is yanked from the car, then marched over to the group of feds. As he gets closer, Thea tenses. I clutch her in a hug. He can’t get her now.

Coleman goes willingly enough, until he sees who he’s trudging toward. He freezes.

“No.” He loses his cool, paling. Struggling against the officers, he tries to get back to the car. “No, no!”

“Is that any way to greet me?” The lead agent asks with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. He holds out his hands. “I told you we’d find you. No point in running.”

Coleman hollers in protest as the two other intense agents grab his arms. They have no problem containing him. Their boss gets in Coleman’s face, grabbing his jaw and forcing his head back. The curve of his smirk is lethal.

With a sharp nod to his guys, they drag Coleman to the SUV and shove him in the back seat. One pulls out a knife as he slides in with him.

My brows jump up. Are switchblades FBI regulation? Thea finds my hand around her waist and grips it tight. I stroke my thumb over her knuckles to soothe her while we watch.

The lead agent flicks his gaze at us. He motions in our direction, then stalks off toward the house.

After watching his boss’ back for a moment, the remaining agent comes over. I blink in surprise when he stands in the pool of light from the open ambulance. This guy can’t be much older than Thea and I, maybe two or three years at most. He has tousl

ed dark brown hair and a sick neck tattoo of a crow in flight. His coat is open, revealing ripped black jeans.

There’s no way these guys are real FBI.

“Need a statement. Shoo,” he says to the EMT working on me. The EMT gives the guy an unimpressed look. He chuckles and nods his head toward the house. “You have a problem with it, you can take it up with him. Trust me, he is in a pissy as fuck mood right now. Rough target for him to finally get his hands on.”

“Fine.” The EMT points at me. “Don’t think about leaving the scene. Coherent or not, you need to see a surgeon as soon as possible.”

“He’s not going anywhere,” Thea assures him, squeezing my hand. “I’ll make sure of it.”

The fed imposter grins at her, winking. “You’re cute as a button.”

A growl rumbles in my chest. He lifts his hands in surrender.

“Just sayin’, man.” Once the EMT moves away, he gives me a once over. “Should’ve waited. Our way was a lot cleaner than all this fuss. Here.”

He hands me a thumb drive and doesn’t wait for an answer before walking back to meet up with the other guys.

“Do you know them?” Thea asks.

“I think so.”