“Thea, I—” He stops, then takes a breath. “Sunshine, you’re my world. I lo—”

Someone bumps into us as the music changes into a faster song, knocking my balance off kilter. Connor catches me.

“Hey! Watch it!” He turns to me. “You okay?”


The moment we were having is broken. Whatever he was about to say, he lets it go.

Smirking, he says. “You ready?”

“For what?”


He gets me breathless and laughing as he twirls me around. After a few songs, we’re gasping, leaning on each other as we grin bright enough to light the entire room.

“Thirsty?” Connor asks. When I nod, he says, “Be right back.”

While he’s getting us drinks, I spot Mr. Coleman nearby and head for him.

“Thea. You look lovely tonight.” Mr. Coleman’s hand lifts for a second, then drops. He curls his fingers into his palm. “Very beautiful.”

Blushing, I laugh off his compliment. “I just came over to thank you for pushing me to do the planning committee for the dance. It was fun to work on.” I gesture around at all the committee accomplished. “I think the dance turned out really nice.”

Mr. Coleman gives me a warm smile. “You’re perfect.” Clearing his throat, he nods to the dance floor. “Really, I’m so impressed. I knew you’d be perf—”

“Here’s your drink, babe.” Connor interrupts Mr. Coleman’s praise, inserting himself between us and giving Mr. Coleman his back. His face is twisted with tension. “Let’s go over there.”

Mr. Coleman’s expression hardens. Connor ushers me away with a hand at my back, pushing a little harder when I don’t move fast enough for him.

“Connor, it’s rude to interrupt. And stop pushing me.” I step out of reach. “I was having a conversation and you just—”

“Thea, listen,” he snaps, then closes his eyes, smothering a frustrated sound. “Sorry. Listen, he’s bad news. You have to stay away from him. I turn my back on you for two seconds and you walk right into danger.”

“Danger?” I scoff, growing annoyed with his feud with our teacher. “Are you serious? Is this you being jealous again?”

“Don’t fight me on this.” Connor backs me against the wall, on the outskirts of the dance. His jaw is set in determination. His tone brooks no argument as he lays out his demands. “Stay the fuck away from him.”

“How do you expect me to stay away from a teacher I have to see every day for class?” I fold my arms. “He’s my favorite teacher. I’m sorry if you feel threatened by that, but I was only—”

“Threatened.” The sound that drops from Connor’s lips is caustic, far from amusement. “I’m not worried about you crushing on him. I’m worried about what that sick fuck could do to you. It’s him I don’t trust, not you. I’m trying to protect you.” He holds my shoulders in a tight grip, pinning me against the wall. “This is serious. I promise, I’ll tell you why soon.”

I’m not having this. “You don’t have to make up wild excuses. If you’re determined to ruin our night and not have a good time with me, you can leave.”

Connor’s jaw works. He’s stunned silent. Breathing hard, he balls his fists. “Fine. Fine.”

“Hey!” Blair Davis pulls Connor off me.

“Stay out of this!” Connor growls before he registers who he’s talking to.

Blair narrows her gaze on him and gets in his face, prodding him in the chest. She’s fierce and brave, no longer the girl who let anyone get away with the horrible things they did to her. “Quit being such an asshole! You need to stop acting like a god around here. Got it?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Connor says through clenched teeth. “You’re supposed to be on my side here.”

“I know exactly what it looked like: you holding your date against the wall against her will. I don’t care what you say,” Blair snaps. “Try that shit again, and I’ll make you regret it. And I don’t give a damn if you’re Devlin’s friend. I’m not scared of you. Hurt her again, and I’m coming for you, Bishop.”

Connor looks so pissed off at the accusation he hurt me. His eyes cut to me for a beat and a muscle in his jaw jumps. He storms off, leaving me feeling empty. Tears prick my eyes as he slams his shoulder into Mr. Coleman’s on his way out.