“Baby, that’s what I’m angling for.” I cup her ass and tug so she lands on my lap, straddling me. “You’re so irresistible. I’ll never have enough of you, even if I fuck you five times a day.”

“We had sex twice in the pool house today.” The end of her sentence dips into a moan as I massage her ass and lick the shell of her ear. “Seriously, we can’t. She’ll hear. There’s no way I can be quiet.”

I love that I drive her so wild she can’t control herself. We fucked in the pool house shower earlier so she could moan as loud as she wanted while I drove my cock into her.

With one last graze of my teeth over her throat, I let her escape across the bed. She takes a minute to compose herself while I kick off my shoes, then shuck my jeans and t-shirt so I’m only in briefs. As I lay back against the pillows, her stuffed sea lion captures my attention.

“Who’s this little guy?” I pick it up. It’s softer than I expected and I hum, dragging it over her bare leg. “Why a sea lion? I pictured a girl like you would have something magical, like a unicorn or something cute to go with the rest of your bedroom decor.”

It’s a question I’ve wanted to ask since I saw it on her webcam, but couldn’t without raising suspicion about why I knew she had it.

“It is cute! Give me that.” Thea snatches the stuffed toy, her smile fond as she smooshes its lumpy body. “I don’t know. I was like, seven, when I got him on a trip to the aquarium. I liked how funny their bodies were. He was round and I liked it.”

My gaze goes soft as my heart swells. I might be new at relationships because I wasn’t interested in chicks after my family’s money or the status of dating me, but she isn’t like that at all. She’s just herself, this incredible light.

Thea is the only girl I’ve never hated the idea of letting in, sharing my life with, keeping. When I think about the future now, it’s one that includes her.

“Ready to fight me for the covers?”

Her question draws me out of my dazed thoughts. She has her fists up in a mock boxing stance. I cover her hands with mine, correcting her so she won’t end up with broken thumbs if she ever throws a punch.

“Like this. Remind me to teach you to fight.”

“What if I don’t want to fight? Make cake, not war.”

Thea nods sagely, crawling into my open arms as we settle into a comfortable position. I spoon against her back, nuzzling into her neck.

“For self defense, then.” My voice turns drowsy and I stifle a yawn. “Important stuff, baby. Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves.”

“Okay,” she murmurs, reaching over to turn out the light.

As the room plunges in darkness, I roll my hips against hers, enjoying the feel of her ass tucked against my dick. “Mm, goodnight sunshine.”

“Night.” She finds one of my hands and tangles our fingers together, holding our joined hands over her heart.

It’s the most comfortable I’ve felt in a long time.

At dawn, I wake up before Thea, spending a minute enjoying watching her in the pale morning light. Her face is smashed against my chest, and she wasn’t kidding about the fight for the covers—she has all of them cocooned around her while I’m left with a measly corner.

I carefully brush her hair back and kiss her forehead before climbing out of bed. Rustling through my pockets of my pants, I take out the small, polished moonstone I’ve been carrying around, intending to give it to her. I got it when I was a kid, when Dad took me to a nature museum. It was one of our last outings before he began to drift.

The shimmering light blue stone reminds me of Thea. She’s my sunbeam, but I love the way she shines at night, like this stone.

After tugging on my jeans, I flip open one of her recipe notebooks on the desk and take a fresh page. I borrow one of Thea’s pens to draw a heart on the page, put it on her nightstand, and place the moonstone in the middle.

Resisting the temptation to crawl back into bed and wake her up with my tongue, I slip out of the room and manage to sneak out unnoticed. Once I make it out, I send her a good morning text.



After soccer practice finishes, I shower as fast as I can to pick Thea up from the dance planning committee. It’s one of the last practices we’ll have this season before the playoffs start now that it’s November.

“Is your ass on fire?” Devlin jokes as I fly through the locker room.

“Shove it, I’m late to see my girl!” I toss my stuff in my duffel bag as I drag on a clean Silver Lake High Coyotes t-shirt.

“You saw her an hour and a half ago,” Devlin points out as he sprawls across the opposite bench. “Made out with her until we had to drag you off her so she could go.”