She makes a delicious sound, like she took me at face value for agreeing to let her make the first move, but can’t handle the filthy words I’m whispering.

The inexperience was a shock after the things we’ve done when sexting, but it’s intoxicating to know she’s a blank canvas. I want to paint a masterpiece on it, show her what it’s like to fuck the way we fant

asized about. It’s like I met two different girls, one confident and as devious as I am, and the one in front of me, trembling from a few words and my hand massaging her waist.

“I…” She shakes her head. “Connor. This is a bad idea.”

My lips trail over her cheek in the lightest brush. “My favorite kind.”

She laughs, breathy and soft. It makes my dick harder.

“They’ll be your favorite, too. Let me show you how to live, sunshine.”

Fuck yes, I think as she puts her hands on my shoulders, pulling me in.

The door bangs open, startling both of us. A shadow fills the door, back-lit by the bright hallway lights.

“Thea? Aren’t you supposed to be in your world history class?”


He looms in the door, keeping to the shadows as Thea stiffens beside me.

“Mr. Coleman,” she says.

Is that relief in her voice? I swing my glower to her, getting more pissed off by the second at the way she’s focused on him.

What the fuck.

It takes a second for my brain to kick into gear, but once it does, Thea has danced out of my arms, drawn to Coleman. He falls back a step, the light in the hallway showing his smarmy face. The satisfied curve of his mouth ignites a rage in me.

What. The. Fuck.

Sure, he’s a teacher, but this guy is always around Thea, especially when I’m alone with her. It’s improbable he would just happen to be walking by her all the time. I followed him yesterday when he tracked Thea to the baking classroom. This is all wrong, blaring a dissonant clang in every bone in my body.

“Get to class, Mr. Bishop,” he says in a clipped command.

I grin without a trace of pleasure. “Sure thing.”

“Come on. I’ll escort you to your class.” He steers Thea down the hall with a hand resting lightly on her back. “You’re really surprising me lately with this behavior. It’s not what I expect from you.”

Coleman walks off with Thea. She doesn’t look back at me once. Nothing about this feels right.

Halfway down the hall, I catch her simpering. “I can explain, sir.”

My stomach ices over. Goddamn it. I got swept up in her again.

Still suspicious and questioning why Coleman is always around Thea, I rub my jaw as I head for my car to smoke a joint. I have practice later, but fuck being here right now.



Practice is gruesome. Two guys have knelt in the grass at the sidelines to puke. A few more are sprawled and groaning across the field. Devlin’s got a wicked gleam in his eye from the torture I’m taking out on the guys.

I stand on the center line with my hands on my hips, spitting on the ground. My throat is raw from shouting directions at them for the last forty-five minutes. “Shape the fuck up. This is not the team I know we are.”

Which is true, because I’m taking all my annoyance out on them. For once, I don’t want to be here, but I can’t skip soccer.