The fire she keeps tucked away is like an ember at first glance, but it’s blistering hot. I like it. Before she can do anything rash, like smash my phone—pointless, because I keep a cloud backup—I push off the desk and capture her in my hold. She makes a sound of protest as I toss my phone aside. It clatters on the lab table while I pin her arms.

Bringing my lips back to her ear, I bite out, “Don’t test me. And don’t be mad you liked it when you thought I was someone else.” She shudders at my demanding tone. When I nip her ear, she fights to free herself, panting. A smoky chuckle rolls through me. “Fight all you want, little mouse. You’re mine now.”

“No!” Her attention darts to the door as her desperation climbs.

“Hoping if you go tattle to my dad I’ll let you off the hook? Nice thought, but no.” I rub my nose into her temple, fisting the back of her sweater. “Or…are you hoping if you figure out your real Wyatt’s number, he’ll respond like I did? Who else is going to give you what you need?”

She turns a glare on me, her mouth set in a mutinous line I’m dying to kiss. “No. You can’t bully me into this because you have private photos of me. I’m never going to text you again.” Her chin tips up and I grasp it between my thumb and finger, lifting it higher. Her small fists shift against my torso. “I’ll—I’ll block your number.”

“That’s so cute. Well, go ahead and try. But neighbor, I’m never far from you.” A tiny sound catches in her throat. She shakes her head. I nod, pinning her with my unwavering stare. She needs to understand. “I control everyone’s secrets, you know. That’s why people are scared of me. You should be, too. Because I own you by knowing yours.” I tilt my head and brush my thumb over her jaw. “You can play along like a good pawn and I’ll keep taking care of that needy little vixen you keep under wraps—even from yourself, I think—or I can make your life fucking hell.”

“Do you ever stop talking, or do you like the sound of your own voice that much?” Thea whispers, eyes bouncing back and forth, studying my face.

A burst of anger erupts in my chest. There’s a sadness in her eyes that cuts me—pity. She should pity herself for the position she’s landed herself in.

With a cruel laugh, I chuck her under the chin and hover my lips over hers, wrapping a curl around my finger. “You know, I’ve been really fucking nice about this. Nicer than I am with anyone, and you’re shitting all over it with that attitude.”

She grimaces, but her gaze doesn’t leave mine. Silly little mouse, looking danger in the eye.

I release her, but she doesn’t move, waiting to see what I’ll do. Picking up my phone, I sigh in a mockery of being put out.

“Well, it’s your choice. You’ve got real brass ones, Kennedy, choosing to face the entire school getting a good look at your tits. Guess I was right about you liking the attention.” As I tell her this, I scroll through the address book on my phone. “I’ll just keep sending your photos to my contact list until you submit.”

“Connor, don’t do this.” Her throat works as she swallows. “Please.”

I look up through my lashes, face bent toward my phone as I pick a number at random and start a new text message. Her gaze drops to my phone, then flies back up, silently pleading with me.

“That’s not the magic word. You know what to do. So what’ll it be?”

Thea releases a rough cry and rushes me again, catching me by surprise as her body collides with mine. My back bumps into the high tabletop and one arm bands around her automatically while she tries to get my phone a second time. I hold it out of reach above her head.

“Please! I don’t want you to!”

My mouth curves into a smile that isn’t nice at all and I cradle her face with my free hand, tilting it up. Her eyes are shiny with wetness. I can see how her strength is cracking, panic taking over. I smooth some of her wild curls back from her face.

“I wasn’t kidding. You’ll learn quick that when I say something, I’m dead fucking serious. Do you understand?”

After staring back at me for a beat, she plants her palms on my chest and shoves hard, wrenching away from me.

“Fine,” Thea spits. Her chest rises and falls with each harsh breath she drags in, face flushed. She touches her hair with a trembling hand. “Fine. I’ll do it. Just. Don’t send my pictures to anyone.”

I slide my phone in my pocket and close the distance she put between us. Tucking her hair behind her ear, I ask, “Was that so hard?”

Thea’s eyes are consumed by an intriguing fire when she lifts them to face me, even when she’s breaking. Quiet, frumpy, shy Thea Kennedy has fight in her. I’m going to have fun toying with it before I tame her.

“See you later, little mouse.” I blow her a kiss before leaving her alone in the middle of the dark science lab, whistling with my hands in my pockets.



The shock hasn’t faded two periods later. Chemistry and French were both complete blurs. At lunch I’m still reeling from Connor’s reveal, and his horrible threat if I don’t meet his demand.

And I agreed.

I had to, or he was going to send my photos to people. There was no choice, no way to think my way out.