Page 79 of Montana Mystery

The orgasm blew through me like a storm. We broke together, Noah’s cock jerking inside me as I came. Pleasure gathered and peaked, so sharp that it stole my breath before spiraling down and dragging me back to earth and back into Noah’s arms.

“Holy shit.” His voice was quiet.

Neither of us moved. Like we were afraid to break the spell of what had just happened.

Our heartbeats faded back to normal. I still didn’t want to move. But we had to. Noah was only gone for moments to clean himself up before he was back and touching me. Holding me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. It didn’t feel right to not be touching.

Noah covered us with blankets before pulling me back against his chest. “Thank you. For not letting me run away. For coming after me.”

I grabbed the hand slung across my chest and pulled it tighter around my body. There was no need to tell him that he’d come after me first. More than once.

“I can’t say that I’m glad about what happened to Brandon,” I said. “Of course I’m not. But if it hadn’t happened, then I wouldn’t have met you.”

His smile pressed against my neck. “I don’t know. Maybe he would have found his way back here, and maybe we would have run into each other then.”


Noah hummed. “I’m not happy that your brother went through that. But I’m not sorry for meeting you, Kate. I never will be.”

I tucked my head down further into the pillows, and the slow rhythm of Noah’s heart at my back lulled me into sleep.

Chapter 25


I knew I was alone as soon as I moved.

Well, alone was relative. Noah wasn’t in the bed with me, but there was the distinct sensation of something soft, furry, and warm on my chest.

Moving slowly enough that I didn’t disturb him, I reached up and pet the little fuzzy body curled up asleep on me. I cracked my eyes and found orange fur. Garfield was there, and as soon as I started petting him, his purr vibrated through my chest.

A second purr sounded at my side as Salem echoed her brother. I didn’t mind waking up with these adorable babies, especially with the purring. “Good morning. Did Noah put you in here with me?”

Garfield lifted his head and looked at me, sleepy green eyes blinking. He moved a little, snuggling up to my neck and curling up further. “Aren’t you snuggly?”

What time was it? Where was my phone? I reached with one hand, trying not to disturb Salem, and encountered something crinkly. Huh?

I pulled the piece of paper closer, Noah’s neat handwriting marching across it.


I didn’t want to wake you. I slept because of you. I’m still not used to that. I’ll be back later. Need to do things around the property, and I have a meeting with our therapist, Rayne, about what happened last night. I’ll be back later.


I smiled. That was fine. I had work of my own to do.

The shower was nice, the kittens running back and forth between the shower curtains. I fed them and got myself breakfast before starting to do some work.

Thankfully, as close to the holidays as we were, I had fewer requests. People were home for the holidays, and some of those with summer homes were using them as holiday getaways.

I answered a few emails and set up a few of my watchers with new appointments. That was the beauty of this kind of business. There was plenty to do, but enough of it was decentralized that I could be hands-off when I needed to be. The women I contracted with were competent and trained, and I didn’t have anyone who was new to the job right now. They could do their job without me holding their hands every step of the way.

I stretched on the couch, and Salem, seeing me, stretched with me. I couldn’t stop my grin. They were growing fast, even in the time that I’d been staying here, lengthening and turning from tiny balls of fur into teenagers.

It was still early. Since Noah was busy, now would probably be a good time to talk to Brandon. Since we’d gotten back, he’d been keeping to himself. I was convinced that the actual program here at the ranch could help him, and after Noah’s episode last night, maybe he’d see that what he was going through wasn’t shameful or uncommon.

With a groan, I put on regular clothes. It was cold out, and staying under the blanket was definitely my preference. “Okay.” I petted both kittens where they were sleeping on Noah’s armchair. “I’ll see you munchkins in a bit.”