Page 31 of Montana Sanctuary

I wanted more. My body was hard, and I was grateful that we were here in the park where I couldn’t be tempted to take this further. Down in that place where my instincts spoke, I knew that this was far enough. But the idea of having more nearly made me groan.

Evelyn was flushed and breathless when I pulled away. It did nothing to stop my imagination from running wild. I’d pulled her nearly into my lap, her chest pressed against mine, and her softness was enough to break me.

“I didn’t run away,” she said softly.

“No. You didn’t. Should we see what happens if we try again?”

Evelyn was smiling when I kissed her a second time. Thank fuck, because it would have been torture not to. For the first time since she’d arrived, everything in me felt settled. This was right. I never wanted to let her out of my arms, and that was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.

“You’re still here,” I said with my mouth still against her lips.

“I’m still here.”

Slowly, I let her go, already missing the way she felt.

“I—” She stopped and bit her lip before continuing. “I’m sorry that I’m not ready for the rest. To tell you.”

I nodded. Of course there was more. Because running wasn’t easy. Whatever horrors were living in her mind were bad enough to keep her on the move. “I’ll be here when you are ready.”

Evelyn shuddered. I wanted to find whoever had hurt her so deeply that even words of support shook her. That person and I were going to have a very serious conversation if I ever encountered them. If they were lucky, the conversation would not involve my fists.

“Can I walk you to your car?” I asked. She hadn’t said anything, but it must have taken bravery and resolve to come into town. The least I could do was make sure she felt safe leaving.

Evelyn nodded. “Please.”

We didn’t speak on the way to her car. It didn’t feel necessary. Simply being with her was enough. But when we reached where she was parked, I couldn’t let her go without saying anything. “Are you all right?”

She smiled easily now. “Yes. No plans for running.”

I laughed. She’d seen through the reason for my question. “Just promise me that if you want to, you’ll call me first.”

“So you can talk me out of it?” One eyebrow raised, she was nearly smirking.

“Maybe. Or kiss you out of it.” I savored the blush that followed my words. “I’ll see you at home.”

Evelyn stared at me for a moment before getting in the car, and I watched her drive until her car was out of sight down the main road. This wasn’t at all how I’d thought my trip to town would go. But if this was the way they went from now on, I’d have to take them more often.

Chapter 12


Each day that passed uneventfully lifted the weight off my lungs a little more. I’d gone to the library in town that day to email Melanie. We had an email account we shared, only sending emails to the same address. I hadn’t updated her since my frantic flight from Albuquerque.

But the message that was waiting for me had left me cold and shaking, and that was after already having to force myself to drive into town. I’d been terrified.

The email she’d sent was short.

Don’t use this. He knows.

No more details than that.

Questions spun in my mind. Was Melanie okay? Had Nathan threatened her? Sent her a message? I desperately wanted to call her and hear her voice. But we’d learned the hard way that Nathan was monitoring her calls. Even when she changed phones.

Because he was rich, and a genius, and the staff of West Tech would do anything for him without a second thought. So I was in the dark, with no way to contact my sister, and I’d already logged into the account here.

If he’d found that account and was watching its activity, he could know where I was. But I hadn’t seen the phantom Nathan anywhere again. After a few days, I’d finally relaxed enough to believe that I was just on edge. There’d been no other signs that he was here or that he knew that I was.

A huge part of my relief was Lucas. Running into him after the email had been equally terrifying, because he’d seen through me like no one else had. But I couldn’t deny the safety I felt with him, and the kiss...