Page 9 of Undying Resilience

“She seems a little lost,” I say.

Rhett’s gaze meets mine, and he nods. “The night at the cabin, after you were asleep, she said something to me. She’s afraid of forgetting who she is again. I don’t know what she meant—not sure she knows what she meant. She was freaking out and kind of rambling on. But I...” He works his jaw before sighing. “I don’t know.”


“Remember what she told us about Adam? About how she made herself believe she wanted the future he wanted?”

“She’s not doing that with us, Rhett. Don’t even let your mind go there.”

“What if she is? We jumped into this really fucking fast, O. How can she be okay with dating three paid killers without some serious thinking first? I get that she likes us. But when she agreed to this relationship, she didn’t know what we are.”

Despite the steam filling the shower, I suddenly feel cold. “What are you suggesting?”

“What if... I don’t know, what if we’re some type of rebound? If she’s not sure what she wants from life, how the hell does she know she wants us? Are we just the first guys who gave her attention after Adam? Or maybe—”


He pauses, looking at me expectantly.

I sigh. Honestly, I should’ve seen this coming. Out of all of us, Rhett has the most trust issues. With good reason, but I hate that he can’t see what I’m seeing so clearly—Wren’s feelings are completely genuine.

“First of all, we agreed to a chance. A chance that this could work.”

Rhett looks away, his jaw tight. It’s not what he wants to hear and I know it.

“But,” I say slowly, reaching out and shutting off the water, “I’d say it’s working pretty well. There have been a few hiccups, sure, but we’ve worked our way through them. And I know you may be worried that she stepped into this relationship for the wrong reasons, but I don’t think so. Just watch her the next time she looks at one of us. That’s not a rebound look.”

“But why hasn’t she freaked out yet? We kill people for a living, Oliver. Murder people.”

I grin. “You’re missing one key factor.”


“Wren is smart. Damn smart. I bet she’d already guessed what we were before we told her. And that probably eased her into it some.”

“Maybe so,” he mutters.

“Just trust this,” I say, resting my hands on his shoulders. “And if you can’t, then trust me.”

He touches his forehead to mine, eyes closed, and breathes out a sigh. “Always, O. Always.”

Chapter three


Having Wren curled up in the tub with me is becoming one of my new favorite things. I prefer it when we exhaust her so thoroughly that she falls asleep and I get to bring her to bed with me, but I know that can’t happen tonight. Wren opens at the shop tomorrow. It’s a long drive from here to there, and she prefers not to have to make it in the morning.

We’re also leaving late tomorrow morning for Middle-of-Nowhere, Wyoming, and we still need to finish packing. We didn’t want to take the job, but the woman who hired us is powerful. The type of person you want as an ally. There’s a saying among the people who know her—there are no secrets in Philadelphia. Because if you have one? Sparrow Belgrave knows it. She has eyes and ears fucking everywhere.

Taking this job puts us on her radar. And hopefully, when we succeed without a problem as we always do, it’ll gain us a bit of her trust. Then when the time is right and we need to buy information, she’ll happily sell.

Wren turns her head slightly, looking up at me. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I know, love,” I murmur, kissing the top of her head. “You’re sure you want to stay home?”

She nods.

I bite back the ten replies that rush to the front of my mind, all of which are different ways to convince her to come with us. If she doesn’t want to, that’s up to her. And odds are, she’ll be perfectly safe here. With Finn watching her back, no one will be able to get within ten feet of her.