“You don’t know?”
“I felt betrayed. Especially since she was there when my mom left. Brooke saw how it tore me apart. And then she did the same thing to me. I was devastated. And so angry. We had something special, and one random day she just walked away.
“When she started hanging out with us again, we kinda avoided each other, but I—I wanted her to feel the pain I felt. I know that makes me a terrible person. I found excuses for it, reasons to justify hurting her. Anything from glares to insults to snapping at her.
“I liked seeing her hurt. It was satisfying. If I could, I’d take it all back, because now I wish I hadn’t hurt her at all. I’m still wounded, and I’m still angry. I don’t understand how she could so easily make me go through the pain I went through as a kid. But she’s my best friend, you know? I love her. Always have. And I don’t want to be without her.”
“I understand your pain, Blaze. And I’m deeply sorry for what your mother did to you. As for Brooke, I have a few questions for you.”
“Dominic told me a bit about Brooke’s childhood. Specifically that she was verbally abused by her father.”
“Yes.” To this day, I regret not taking on a bigger role in Francis’s murder. That man deserved to suffer more than he did.
“You said you don’t understand how Brooke could put you through the pain you went through as a child. But haven’t you done the same to her? With your words?”
My stomach flips, and for a second I think I might actually throw up. Fuck, how had I not thought of it that way? Brooke even mentioned it to me after I dragged her out of that club.
Good to know you’re willing to stoop to his level.
As a kid, I promised myself I’d never raise my voice at Brooke. I didn’t want her to fear me the way she did Francis. And while I never yelled at her, I’ve certainly torn her apart many times.
“I guess I have, yeah. I didn’t even realize.”
Megan nods. “Your pain is very valid, Blaze. Brooke hurt you in an unimaginable way. But that doesn’t mean you get a free pass on doing the same to her.”
“I know.”
“Now, as for my next question. Dominic says Brooke has changed a lot over the past couple years. Ever since things got serious between her and David. She became... depressed. Withdrawn. Would you agree?”
“Yeah. I hated it. She became a shadow of herself. Hell, even her house is different. Everything that made it her is gone. She said David made her change it all. Fuck, it made me so angry. At David for not embracing who she was, but also at Brooke for not standing up to him.
“I know he had something to do with her cutting me off, too. And I was pissed at him for a while, but why didn’t she fight for me? Why didn’t she care enough?” My voice wavers.
With a sad smile, Megan gives me a minute to get myself together. Then she says, “Can you really expect that from someone who’s been through the abuse that David put Brooke through?”
I almost choke on air. “Abuse?”
Something Dominic said the other day hits me like a bus.
You weren’t there for the worst of it. You didn’t see the end of their relationship. But Blaze, you cannot blame her for what happened.
“She told me he didn’t hurt her.”
“From what Dominic said, he didn’t—physically. But he also said that David got particularly nasty toward the end, which made him think he was verbally abusing her all along in private.”
All I can focus on is trying to get in enough air. Now that it’s out in the open, it’s as clear as day:
Brooke’s spark started to fade less than a year after she got together with David. She started dressing differently. Less her. She barely talked about their relationship—always switched the subject whenever I brought it up.
“But she would’ve told me.”
“She was in love, Blaze. And according to Dominic, she’s still denying that David abused her. Said she acted a little embarrassed about it.”
It makes sense. How must all of this make Brooke feel? Three of the most important men in her life have treated her like shit. Does she think it’s her fault? That she attracts this?
“I’ve made everything worse,” I mumble.