Page 7 of Twisted Redemption

Dread hits next, cold and hard and overwhelming. Security system upgrades. That’s not a huge deal. But all afternoon, I’ve been contemplating telling Blaze I don’t need his help moving out.

Now I’m stuck with him.

“No.” The word is out of my mouth before I can stop it.

“I wasn’t asking for your permission, Daisy.”

I bite my lip. Why is he calling me that? It’s a term of endearment—a reminder of happy memories. But the way the word is rolling off his tongue is anything but happy and endearing. “Don’t call me that.”

Blaze’s eyes flash as steps into my room, slamming the door. He reaches for me, but I step back, stumbling on one of the bags I threw onto the floor. He grabs me, pulling me into him, trapping me with an arm around my waist.

My brain short-circuits. His body is pressed to mine in too many overwhelming, breathtaking spots.

Blaze grips my chin, forcing me to look up at him. As he leans in close, he says, “I’ll call you whatever the fuck I want to.”

What. the. hell.

When he releases me, I gasp in a breath. My heart is beating erratically, like it wants Blaze to keep me pinned to him. And maybe I do. Maybe I want him to hold me close, like he probably does with Charlie. Maybe I want him to kiss me, and throw me on the bed, and take out all of this pent-up aggression he has toward me.

It’ll never happen, though.

“You okay?”

My gaze snaps up to meet his. How long have I been standing here and staring at him? “Fine. Great. Just great.”

Narrowing his eyes, Blaze steps forward, invading my space yet again. “That’s not how you’re acting.”

Of course not, you idiot. You just grabbed me and held me to you like I belong that close to you. “I’m just—Alex said something about enemies, and about them possibly coming for me. Is this... is this as big of a deal as he’s making it out to be?”

His gaze softens, and I have to look away before the ocean in his eyes swallows me whole. “He’s just being cautious. Forget about what he said, okay? But if you see anything out of the ordinary—call right away. Understood?”

“I know.” My entire life, Alex and the Grayson boys have always had each other’s backs. But even more than that, it’s felt like they made some kind of pact to always look out for me. To protect me.

If only they could’ve protected my heart, too.

“Is this everything?” Blaze nods to the bags on my bed.

“And those boxes, too. Mostly pictures and clothes and random shit.”

“Got it. You ready to go now?”

I laugh. “I’ve been ready, Blaze. I’ve been ready.”



WHEN I PULL up to Brooke’s house, she’s already parked in the garage. I’ve always loved her house—white stone, colorful flowers everywhere, and a massive hot tub out back.

The inside is a perfect reflection of her—suncatchers in the windows, plants everywhere, and art scattered on the walls. It’s one of those homes that really feels like a home, like a personality come to life, and I missed it when Brooke cut me out of her life.

I’ve always had my suspicions that David was behind that, but I never bothered to confirm it. That’s not what matters—what does is the fact that one day, Brooke looked at me and decided she didn’t fucking need me anymore.

Didn’t even want me.

My hands ball into fists in my lap. I’ve always tried to accept life and roll with the punches. But there are some times when I wish I could go back in time and change things.

And right now—hell, for the past two and a half years—David and Brooke have been one of those things.