Page 47 of Twisted Redemption

I stare at him. “What?”

He steps around the counter until he’s right beside me, grabbing my hips and turning me so I’m facing him. It takes everything in me not to lean away, but I don’t. And when he steps in between my legs, it causes my stomach to fill with butterflies.

He cradles my face in his hands. “I will order or make whatever you want. I don’t fucking care, Brooke. I just need you to eat.” The vulnerability from yesterday morning is back in his voice.

I bite the inside of my lip, watching his panicked eyes search mine. Right now, it looks like he’ll do anything to take away all of my pain.

This is my Blaze.

One of my hands comes up to hold his wrist, my thumb stroking his hand. I really, truly have no desire to eat, but... “I could probably stomach a soufflé. If—if you really don’t mind.”

He lets out a shuddering breath as his forehead touches mine. His eyes close, and he whispers, “I don’t mind at all.”

When he releases me, grabbing his phone to place the order, I have to hold onto the counter to steady myself. Having Blaze that close to me is... dizzying. Electrifying. And so, so confusing. Where’s the cold asshole from yesterday? Not that I want him to make another appearance.

Still, I don’t trust this moment enough to believe that Blaze and I are back to normal. But as I watch the relief on his face, I can’t help but wish that we were.

I swallow back the lump in my throat as he types away on his phone.

I miss you, Blaze. I really, really miss you.



WE DRIVE TO Dominic’s in silence. We have to go to Everly’s birthday party, but showing up with Brooke instead of my fiancée would probably be weird. And since Char’s mom will be there, she wants to be extra careful.

Thankfully, Dominic doesn’t ask too many questions.

When I pull onto Dominic’s street, I smile. He’s already outside, running along the side of the road and holding onto the back of a little girl’s bike. Her hair is messy under her pink helmet.

I park on the road, not wanting to get too close to the kid. Rosie, I think. Her and her aunt moved into the house across from Dominic’s about a year ago.

Brooke takes a deep breath, checking her hair in the rearview mirror one last time. She tucked it up into a bun, presumably to hide her cut. I’m assuming that’s why she’s also wearing a navy blue maxi dress, despite it being a ridiculously hot day.

“You feeling okay?” I reach out and tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear before I can convince myself not to.

She nods, swallowing.

“Your head feels okay?”

For a moment, she closes her eyes. And then she nods again, finally looking at me. The pain in her expression mixes with the soft, cautious hope that’s been there all morning.

She threw me for a loop earlier when she wouldn’t eat her breakfast. It reminded me too much of her teenage years, when she would always claim that she already ate or that she wasn’t hungry. I was afraid she’d make herself so small she’d disappear.

Maybe that’s why I haven’t had the strength to push her away today.

But that can’t last. I can’t afford to let my true feelings for Brooke shine through at her mother’s party. And I only know one way to do that.

“Blaze...” The way she’s looking at me—still looking at me—makes me want to take her face in my hands and kiss her until she’s breathless. But I can’t.

Not yet.

“I have to go,” I say, wishing it came out gently instead of harshly.

Her shoulders sag.

“Now, Daisy. Don’t make us all late.”