Page 127 of Twisted Redemption


“I said something else. What did I say?”

“That not even Blaze will be able to save me.”

“That’s right, my love.”

“No. No, what did you do to him?” she says in a panicked voice.

David laughs cruelly. “Let me just put it this way, my dear. You’ll never see him again.”

The sound that comes from Brooke is a half-cry, half-sob. “No, not Blaze. Why? Why couldn’t you just leave him alone?”

“I knew it. You do love him, don’t you? Don’t you?”

Keep stalling him, Daisy.

I’m one car over from her now, crouching low, moving slowly so as not to pick up their attention. I can barely see David through one of the cars, but it’s not a good enough angle to take a shot and guarantee I can make it. Not through that many windows.

“Did you kill him?” she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Maybe I did. Or maybe he’s bleeding out slowly inside, tied up and gagged in a broom closet. You’ll never know.”

Almost there. Keep backing up.

I can see David now, holding a gun in both his hands and pointing it at Brooke. I could pop up right now and shoot, but his finger is on the trigger. If I spook him and he shoots before I have a chance to take him out...

Fuck. Get over here, Daisy.

She stumbles back, clapping a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob.

“You know, I believed you for a moment. Your little sob fest of telling me all you wanted was for me to fight for you? I fell for it. But it was never me, was it? You wanted him to fight for you.”

One more step.

She doesn’t move. Doesn’t make a sound.

“Tell me, Brooke! It was always him, wasn’t it?”

She nods.

David steps forward, and that’s what finally pushes her to take that last step back.

I grab the skirt of her dress and yank her out of the way. She yelps. The sound of a gunshot fills the air, but the bullet flies past us, missing its mark.

Shoving Brooke behind the car, I say, “Don’t move.” Then I turn, weapon in hand, aiming for David—but not before he fires again.

It feels different than I’ve imagined it would. I thought there would be pain. But instead, I just feel the bullet embedding itself into my chest and forcing me to stumble back.

I fire, but I’m pretty sure I miss. It’s enough that David ducks farther back into the cars, though.

“Blaze. Oh my god, Blaze. No. No no no.”

More gunshots, but I’m not sure from where. I turn, grabbing Brooke and shoving her down, falling on top of her with more force than I mean to. I barely have time to cup the back of her head with my hand to make sure it doesn’t hit the sidewalk at full speed.

I expect to feel more bullets ripping through me, but there’s nothing. Who’s shooting? And at who? Ryan?

I don’t care. Just as long as Brooke is safe.