Every breath comes quick as he lightly places the design on my arm and gets his supplies ready. Every single touch of his fingers on my skin sends a whole new sense of arousal through me, my chest rising and falling quicker and quicker with every passing second.

“You doing okay?” Kacey asks, his breath against my ear. When I nod, he chuckles and tells me the steps he's taking before he begins. Before I’m ready, that little lightning-fast needle settles against me, a hiss coming from between my teeth. “I promise this won't take long,” he whispers, his lips touching my arm before he continues his work. With every pass of his fingers, every breath against my skin, I’m left wondering why I’m resisting the obvious pull between us.

After what feels like hours of his touch, Kacey pulls away, the humming of the tattoo gun now silent as his fingers graze my jaw before lightly pulling the blindfold off my head. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust and as I peer down and see the simple fine line design, I gasp. I expected a simple butterfly design. I expected the standard but what’s on my arm is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The body is normal, the antennae as well but instead of the normal wings, he drew dozens of sunflowers.

“Kace…this is…” My eyes tear up as I glance up to see his look of uncertainty. I stand, making my way to the mirror and holding out my arm to see it properly. “How did you know?” I ask, wondering how he knew sunflowers were my favorite flower.

“When we were ten you once told me you loved that sunflowers followed the sun, that even on the gloomiest days they cause so much brightness.” I turn, our eyes colliding. Before I think better of it, I cross the room, cupping the sides of his face, and kiss him.



The second her lips collide with mine everything in the room ceases to exist and I bask in the way she melts into me. Her fingers dig into my neck as I devour her mouth, taking what I’ve been dreaming about for years.

“Christ, I forgot what you felt like against me,” I growl against her lips, groaning as her moans fill the small space. “I take it you like the tattoo?” I tease, hissing when her teeth sink into my bottom lip.

“Shut the fuck up,” she mutters, her fingers gripping the back of my neck and hauling me back toward her mouth. When I dreamt about this moment I expected to love every second, I expected to take as much of her as she’d allow, but I never expected the dominant side of her that’s slowly filtering to the surface. I fucking love it.

“As you wish,” I whisper, picking her up and walking backward until I’m sitting on the chair, her legs straddling my hips. “Jesus, why did I wait so long?”

“Because we won't work,” Ashley says, the words muffled as she takes my lips once more, her hips rocking against my hardened cock.

“How do you know if we don't try?” I push, taking her face with my hands and pulling her away. The second our eyes collide I see the uncertainty there, but also the longing. The same longing I know she sees in my eyes. She opens her mouth, her denial clear but I take her lips once more, silencing her and taking what I want at this moment. I expect her to fight, to pull away but instead, she jumps headfirst with me, sinking deeper into my lap as my fingers fist in her hair, gripping tight as I devour her.

“Kace? Your appointment is here,” Reggie says through the closed door, his knock echoing in the silence it created. My head tilts back, hitting the chair as I silently curse my partner, and from the swollen lips, heat-filled eyes, and deep breaths coming from Ashley, I know she's feeling the same.

“I should probably go. I need to get ready for the speed dating thing with your sister.” My eyes widen, wondering why she's going to something like that.

“You're going to that?” I ask, the disdain clear in my voice. Ashley gets off my lap, her annoyance washing over me as I watch her take another look at her tattoo and head for the door. “Ash?” She stops, her hand on the doorknob, before turning to face me.

“What do you want from me Kace? I can't just ditch your sister, not when I promised I would go with her.” Fuck I hate this. I hate how unsure she looks. I hate how unsure I feel at this moment. “And it’s not like I came on this boat wanting to fuck every man in sight. I came because I wanted to spend time with my best friend. If that means doing this stupid dating game, then so be it.” Before I can say anything else, she leaves, shutting the door behind her and leaving me wondering how the hell I’m going to get through this next week.

* * *

I tried to distract myself for the rest of the day. I did everything I could to think of anything but what Ashley had planned tonight. Yet here I sit, staring at a blank computer screen and wondering how the fuck I got here. I thought I could get over her, I thought my feelings for her would dissipate since I’d been away from her but the second her lips touched mine, everything stopped. My world tilted on its axis, and I knew I couldn’t leave this ship without at least trying to see where this goes.

“Don't you look depressed,” Reggie mutters, leaning against the doorjamb and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Fuck off,” I whisper, staring back at the computer screen as if it holds the answer to all my problems when in reality it just reflects them back to me.

“Wow, love you too man.” I sigh, shaking my head as I turn in my chair, facing him.

“Sorry man, it's been a rough day.” He nods like he knows what happened and I wouldn't put it past him that he does. He's good at shit like that.

“Are you going after her?” he asks like he knows the ins and outs of our relationship. I shake my head, not wanting to think about her sitting at a table with all those men surrounding her, begging for her attention. “Why not?”

“Because it's complicated.” That’s a fucking understatement, but I push all of it away and stand, heading to the door.

“Where are you going?” he asks, blocking my way as I stand there and stare up at all six foot seven of him.

“I don't know, now let me pass.” He shakes his head, the look of determination clear. I take a deep breath, knowing I’m in for a losing battle. “Fine, I wanted to get some air. Is that okay with you?” It's not a total lie, I do need to get out of this room. I’ve been staring at the computer for hours and feel like I’m about to pass out. What he doesn't need to know is where I’ll go after that.

“I have no issue with you leaving Kace. It's the first night and I doubt we’ll have many walk-ins so I can handle it.” Fuck I never thought of that. I’m not used to being open so late, something we promised when we signed the contract.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I’ll stay.” Reggie shakes his head, holds onto my shoulders, and grips hard enough for me to wince.

“Go. But promise me you will talk to her because I can't have you acting like an emo kid from the early 2000s for the next week. I won't be able to take it and I might be persuaded to push you off the side of the boat.” I laugh, smiling at the image because I know he could do it with minimal effort.