Page 14 of Ruin the Friendship

“So she’s wearing it tubing in Jamaica?” I question, not seeing the link.

“I would assume it’s a cathartic thing. Wreck the dress, feel better about the asshole that left her.” I peer over at the woman once more and a sense of pity washes over me. I might be afraid of my future with Kacey but what that woman went through? I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I fasten my lifejacket to my chest as Kelsey and I make our way to the tubes, which are all tied together in small groups. “Why do I let you drag me to things like this?” I mutter before walking over to where everyone is lining up.

“Why do you look like you’re going to throw up?” Kelsey asks as we stand there waiting. I turn to look at the steady stream of water in front of us and close my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but here. Nature and I have never really gotten along and I’m hoping we can come to a truce on this trip.

“Because I might. I love you Kels but dragging me out here might be the worst idea you’ve ever had.” She laughs, smacking me on the arm as if I just told the best joke in the world.

“You’re being dramatic. This is incredibly safe. They even said that if you follow all the rules nothing will happen.” I don’t tell her that I looked up the number of accidents that happen on these kinds of excursions, or the fact that the probability of someone falling off one of these tubes is greater than she thinks. Before I can complain anymore, we’re ushered into the water as the tubes are pushed in our direction. I watch as Kelsey effortlessly gets into hers, while I struggle, trying to take deep calming breaths before I start cursing out my friend.

“Are we ready?” our guide says from downstream and when everyone nods, we head off, water splashing, the wind lightly cascading over my skin. At first, I think everything will be okay, at first I think I can actually do this and find it peaceful but then I hear it. The steady sound of rushing water. Water that is a lot less tranquil than what we’ve been traveling on up until this point. My panicked eyes meet Kelsey’s as she rolls her eyes, waving me off as she mouths “stop being dramatic.” Before I can say anything back I thrust forward, my grip on the side of the tube loosening and before I can stop it, I’m falling face first into the cold water and then everything goes black.

* * *

“Ash?” I flinch at the volume of Kelsey’s voice as my hand reaches up and touches my head, a searing pain traveling from my skull all the way to the base of my spine.

“Why are you yelling?” I groan as my best friend breathes a sigh of relief, her fingers intertwining with mine. “What happened?” I ask, my eyes squinting as the light filters into focus and I take in the makeshift hospital room. “Are we on the ship?” Kelsey nods before looking behind her. My eyes follow and I take in a very worried-looking Kacey as he leans against the wall.

“You don’t remember what happened?” Kacey asks, his voice like gravel as his eyes bore into mine. I shake my head, narrowing my eyes at the wall beside him, trying to figure out what happened.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” a small man in a lab coat asks from the other side of my bed. I turn my head toward him, hissing at the move as my hand grabs the side of my head and feels the gauze there.

“We were getting on the river tube thing, and I was complaining about how I didn’t want to be there…” I catch a glimpse of Kelsey flinching and I grab her hand that’s resting next to me, hoping she understands I don’t blame her for this. “I also remember telling you,” I mutter, looking her way, “that if I fell I would say I told you so.” She smiles, nodding as a steady stream of tears fall from her eyes. “I told you so.” She laughs, along with Kacey, whose worried gaze hasn’t left me for a second.

“I’m so sorry Ash. I knew you didn’t want to go on that thing and I dragged you anyway…” I shake my head, closing my eyes at the wave of nausea that washes over my body, swallowing audibly as I gather myself.

“I’m a grown-ass woman Kels, I went because I wanted to go with you. Simple as that.” She nods quietly as I turn my head to the doctor.

“What happened to my head?”

“When you fell, you hit your head on a rock at the bottom of the river. You were unconscious for a few hours and from the tests we’ve done since you’ve arrived back on the boat, you do have a concussion.”

“No shit,” I mutter, watching the corner of Kacey’s lips lift. “So, what now?”

“Now you rest. No strenuous activity for at least the next twenty-four hours. If you get nauseous or feel sick, you come back here immediately. I need you to remember that. I know spending your vacation in the hospital wing of the ship is not ideal, but this is a serious brain injury and we don’t want to take any chances.” I nod, my eyes flicking between Kelsey who looks worried, and Kacey who looks…angry.

“I guess it’s a boring night in for us tonight, huh?” Kelsey whispers, her smile masking how disappointed she is. The guilt cements itself inside my stomach and I shake my head.

“No, I will not ruin this cruise for you. I can stay in our room by myself, no need for others to suffer with me when they don’t have to.” Kelsey’s eyes search mine, a glimmer of a smile appearing at the corners of her lips.

“Are you sure?” I nod, taking her hand in mine.

“You had plans with Mike tonight, right?” She nods, blushing, and that confirms my decision. “Then go have a good time with him. No need for me to drag you down with me.”

“But I’m the one that brought you on that trip, I’m the one who should be taking care of you. I can’t leave you alone, I’d be worried all night.” I open my mouth to tell her again that I’m a grown-ass adult with the ability to take care of myself, but before I can utter a word, Kacey pushes off the wall and leans onto the foot of my bed.

“I’ll take care of her.” His voice is commanding, his gaze warning me not to say a word, so I keep my mouth shut.

“Are you sure? You have the shop to deal with Kace.” He shrugs like his livelihood isn’t as big a deal as hanging out with me and for some reason that notion sends warmth cascading down my spine.

“Reggie is more than capable of handling things and if not, he’ll call and I’ll figure it out. No big deal.” It is a big deal. It’s a big fucking deal that he’s putting me in front of his passion, and I honestly don’t know how to feel about that.

“In that case, I need to go over some protocols with you,” the doctor says, directing all his attention to Kacey, leaving me to lie there and listen. “You need to make sure the room is dim, not too much light, and no screens close to her eyes.” Kels winks in my direction knowing how much my phone is attached to my hip most days. “As for sleeping, I need you to wake her up every three hours, and once she’s awake ask her questions only she would know the answer to. I want to make sure she’s not losing any memory or losing time.” The doctor looks my way, silently asking if I heard him.

I nod but then ask, “How long does he have to wake me up every three hours?” I ask, knowing I’m going to hate that part more than anything else.

The doctor looks down at me with a knowing smirk. “Just until morning. So rest up and if you feel like you’re too tired and can’t keep your eyes open, please come back here so we can check you out. Understood?” I nod as he pats Kacey on the back and leaves the room.