Page 12 of Ruin the Friendship

It doesn’t take me long to get to our cabin, my heart racing as I pull out my key, open the door, and pray I can think fast on my feet because the fifteen minutes it took for me to get here from Kacey’s room resulted in me finding zero ways of explaining where I’ve been.

The second I hear the click of the door shutting behind me, I freeze, holding my breath as I wait for the barrage of questions. When nothing happens, and I’m met with utter silence I take tentative steps into the room only to find it empty.

Huh. That’s weird.

After the shock of not seeing Kelsey, I let out a breath and lean against the wall, wondering how I’m going to keep this from her. I’ve told Kelsey everything about my life since we met, and now I’m going to have to keep the biggest secret of my life from the one person who knows me best.

As much as I hated to leave Kacey sitting on the edge of his bed, I know it was the right thing to do. I can’t live in a reality where the Reids aren’t in my life. I know if I date Kacey and things fall apart, I will have to leave them behind and that’s not something I’m prepared to do.

I want Kacey. That is a fact and one I accepted last night when he fucked me more times than I was prepared for, and yet here I stand alone with the memories of that night and wondering if I’m willing for that to be it. Memories of a life I could’ve had if I wasn’t too scared to jump headfirst into a relationship that could be either the best thing I’ve ever had or the one that would ruin everything.

I pull off my dress, grabbing a pair of PJs and pulling them on before laying down on my bed, pretending to sleep because I know the second I close my eyes all I’ll see is the look on Kacey’s face as I walked out that door.

Before I can overthink everything that’s happened in the last twelve hours, the door bursts open and I peer behind me only to see a smiling Kelsey walk through the door. It doesn’t escape me that she’s wearing the same outfit she had on last night, and from the lack of makeup and the fact her hair has never looked worse, I’d say she had a good night.

“Good morning,” I say loud enough for her to hear from across the room, her eyes darting to me as I sit up, my back hitting the headboard. “Looks like you had a good night,” I tease, watching as that crimson color reaches her cheeks. “Lifeguard guy?” I ask as she smiles and nods, throwing her purse on the floor and jumping into bed with me.

“He’s perfect.” I groan, closing my eyes as my head bangs against the headboard because I’ve heard this before. With every man Kelsey has ever been with. “I’m serious Ash, he’s unlike any guy I’ve ever met. He makes me feel light. I’ve never felt that with a guy before.” I nod, knowing what that feeling is because I feel it every time I’m near her brother.

“Are you seeing him again?” I try and hide the way my voice cracks but it’s there and I pray Kelsey doesn’t notice.

“He asked me to have lunch with him today. His shift doesn’t start until this afternoon and he wants to spend the morning with me.” I know I shouldn’t feel jealous when it comes to the ease of their relationship, but I can’t help it. A part of me wants that effortlessness, but deep down I know Kacey and I could never have that.

“That’s sweet,” I admit, loving the smile that appears.

“Are you okay with that? I know I brought you on this ship but…” I hold up my hand to stop her because I know if I don’t she’ll begin to ramble and that could take hours to stop.

“Kels, it’s fine. I knew going into this that you wanted to find a guy, and that’s exactly what you did.” The guilt is clear in her eyes and so I turn toward her, take her hands in mine, and smile. “Please spend the morning with him. Please have the best sex of your life and live your best life on this ship.” She laughs, shaking her head, and the guilt begins to wash away.

“Are you sure?” I bow my head as her eyes cast down and see the new addition on my body. “You got a tattoo?” she asks, her eyes questioning as I nod. I can see the wheels turning. Before she can put two and two together, I change the subject.

“So, tell me more about this lifeguard that’s got you all riled up.” She spends the next hour talking about Mike and how amazing he is and how much she loves being around him. For the first time since I left Kacey sitting on that bed, I want what Kelsey has. I want the giddy feeling she gets when she thinks about Mike, I want the blush that creeps up her cheeks every time his name is mentioned. I want all of it and I wonder if I can put aside my fears and risk taking that leap.



It’s been hours since Ashley left my cabin and I’ve been in a shit mood ever since. So much so that Reggie told me to get out of the office and grab some food from the pub on board. I know I’m driving him crazy, and I feel awful for how all over the place I’ve been these past few days, but I promised him it would get better, even though I have no idea if that’s something I can even promise at this point.

The Loose Cannon is the only pub on board and it’s my little slice of home on this ship. Before I moved to New Orleans full time, I used to split my time between my parents’ house and my apartment in the city. There was this little pub around the corner from my place that made the best English breakfast I have ever tasted. To say I went there almost every single Saturday was an understatement. I was there so much the owner knew me by name and so did most of the staff. My relationship with The Loose Cannon is becoming just as dependent and yet I couldn’t care less.

I wave to Jordan, the hostess, on the way in before taking my usual seat at the bar, waiting for Jeremy to notice. The second his eyes connect with mine, he gives me a slight nod before turning away. My eyes cast down, staring at the mahogany bar and wondering how I’m going to get through the next few days. I know running into Ashley is almost impossible since the boat holds over five hundred people but the way my luck has gone? I’d say the universe will have more of a say.

“What can I get you Kace?” Jeremy asks, cleaning the spot in front of me with a white dishcloth before throwing it over his shoulder.

“Coors, please.” He nods before getting my drink. Just as he places it in front of me, along with a menu, I feel someone stand beside me and when I glance over, I almost fall to the floor.

“Ash?” I gasp, my entire body shaking as I turn in my chair and face her. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes widen as if she’s just as shocked as I am to be in front of me.

“I came to get some food. Your sister ditched me to hang out with a lifeguard she met and so I wanted a little taste of home.” My eyes stay trained on her, almost as if I’m afraid she’s a figment of my imagination. “What are you doing here?” she asks, plopping down in the seat next to me and motioning for Jeremy to get her the same drink as me. I didn’t expect her to remember that I drink Coors, I have my entire life, and yet the fact that she remembers sears something inside me.

“Reggie told me to take a break and get some food. I think I was driving him nuts.” She tilts her head, taking a sip of her drink the second Jeremy sets it in front of her.

“Why would you need a break? It’s only noon.” She laughs, picking up the menu and reading all the options. Her eyes flick to mine every so often and I try to calm my racing heart because being this close to her when I know I can’t have her is causing every nerve in my body to misfire.

“I might have been in a bad mood when I got in this morning,” I admit, her eyes widening when she realizes what caused that bad mood. She opens her mouth to say something, but I stop her by changing the subject. “So, who is this lifeguard my sister is obsessed with?” I ask right before Jeremy comes over to take our order. I have the bangers and mash while Ashley has the fried perogies, something I wasn’t expecting her to get but now that she has, it makes complete sense. The Ashley I knew growing up loved everything fried, especially potatoes, so perogies fit her perfectly.

“All I know is his name is Mike, he’s been a lifeguard all his life and started working on cruise ships last year. She seems to really like him.”