“I know that, but did you see her yesterday? Does she even want to be near me?” I don't even recognize my own voice as I wait for her response.

“Kace, I know you like her and even though she tries to hide it, I know she likes you too.” I take a deep breath, hoping the last part is true. “But for some reason, she's resisting it and I just think if you spend some time together, things might change.”

“Kels, I know you mean well but I think you need to back off.”


“No buts. I do intend to talk to her and see how things go, but I can't have you interfering or pushing us together. The more you do, the more she’ll resent you for it.” Kelsey makes an annoyed sound then sighs.

“Fine. But in case you want to drop by, you know where we are.” And with that, she hangs up. The sinking feeling I felt when I woke up this morning returns as I place my phone back in my pocket.

“Your sister?” I nod, avoiding his eyes as I turn and start filling the coffee machine. “Is she still trying to set you up with her best friend?” I smirk, peering over my shoulder and seeing his knowing smirk. Reg and I spend way too much time together. With that comes knowing way too many things about each other's lives. Most of the time I don't mind since the man is a great listener but right now with the glint in his eye, I know he doesn't want to hear a word I have to say.

“Reg, leave it,” I mutter, hearing the liquid begin to pour as the room fills with the aroma of fresh coffee.

“What? Wasn't that your big plan? Get her here and to seduce her?” I think back to how simple that plan was weeks ago, but now everything’s changed.

“It was,” I mutter, getting the milk from the fridge and the sugar and pouring them into my mug. “I saw her yesterday.” Reggie nods as I take a sip, savoring the taste.

“I’m guessing by your sudden reluctance to see her, it didn't go well?” I shrug, hoping he’ll leave it alone, but of course, he settles into the chair opposite me and gets comfortable. “Look kid, I know you like her, but think about this from her perspective.” I tilt my head, wondering where he’s going with this. “You had a great moment together years ago, but then you don’t see each other again until your best friend tricks you onto a ship for seven days only to find out it's because that same guy wanted you there. It has to be jarring.”

I know he's right and yet I don’t know how to fix it.



I reapply my sunscreen for the millionth time since we sat down by the pool this morning. My pale skin doesn't do well in this kind of heat, and I remind myself to get chairs in the shade tomorrow so I don't burn to a crisp in this southern sun. I peer over at Kelsey who is making eyes at one of the lifeguards and I shake my head when she gets up and heads over to talk to him. I know I shouldn’t be jealous of how outgoing she is when I’m the exact opposite. I've spent most of my life sitting back and watching as Kelsey puts herself out there while secretly wishing I was brave and confident.

Over the years I’ve gotten more comfortable in my own skin, learning to ignore the comments when they come, and they usually do. I have curves, more than what society deems appropriate, and even though the looks aren’t overt, I still see them, and they still pierce the very well-constructed armor I’ve built around my heart. The only time in my life where those insecurities haven't penetrated my thoughts was that blissful moment with Kacey in his parents’ garage. I’ve been chasing that feeling ever since.

I know he's the reason I’m here, and I honestly don't know how to feel about that fact, but right now as I soak up some sun, sip my slushy that I’m pretty sure has alcohol in it, even though Kelsey refused to admit it, I can't help but be grateful. I've never been on a vacation. My childhood consisted of weekends alone at the house or going to Kelsey’s place. The first time I got on a plane was when I left for college. I refuse to let Kelsey and Kacey’s covert plan to get me on this ship ruin the first vacation I’ve ever had.

“Ash?” Kelsey’s voice breaks through the memories that filter through my mind every time I think of her brother. When my eyes catch hers and I see that touch of pink on her cheeks that has nothing to do with the sun, I know I’m going to be on my own for the next few hours.

“What’s his name?” I ask with a sly smile, the blush creeping further down her neck. If I didn't know my best friend, I would say she's being coy, but there’s something new and different in her eyes that I haven’t seen before.

“Mike.” She smirks before eyeing him over her shoulder and then gazing back down at me. “I was wondering if I could…” Before she can finish, I hold up my hand and smile.

“Go hang out with him. I’m getting hungry anyway so I’m going to get some food and maybe take a nap.” Not a total lie, I am hungry.

“Are you sure?” I nod again, getting up out of my chair and taking her hands in mine.

“I’m sure. Go have a good time and I’ll see you at the speed dating thing later, okay?” She eyes me for a minute, most likely making sure I mean what I’m saying and after a few seconds, she smiles and hugs me.

“I love you, babe.” I wave as she walks off, turning to gather my things. I fully intend to go to the food deck to get some food. I also intend to go back to our cabin and have that nap I told Kelsey I was going to have. Yet instead, I find my feet taking me to the one place I told myself I would avoid for the duration of the trip.

* * *

Squid Ink is smaller than I thought it would be, with murals of its namesake painted over the walls. In the back of my mind, I wonder who thought of this design because to me it doesn't seem like the Kacey I knew, but then again it's been years since I’ve seen him.

“Can I help you?” a deep voice booms from across the room. I jump, covering my chest with my hand as an embarrassed chuckle leaves my chest. “Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.” I wave him off, staring at the wall of premade tattoos and wondering how many people actually choose these instead of their own designs.

“No worries, I just wasn't expecting it,” I say with a smile, taking in the man before me. He's huge, bigger than any man I've ever seen, with dark skin and a bald head with arms full of tattoos. It's then that I see the army crest on his arm. “You were in the army?” I blurt out, my eyes widening as a beautiful smile crosses his face.

“Yes, ma’am, twenty years.”

“Thank you for your service,” I say, his eyes softening as he leans against the front desk and crosses his arms before giving me a subtle nod.