“Come on Kacey, you know why this isn’t a good idea.” I shake my head, taking a step toward her, the air between us thick. My eyes dart to her mouth just as her tongue moistens her bottom lip causing every ounce of blood in my system to go straight for my cock. From the desire I see staring back at me, I know she feels this pull between us. From the way her teeth sink into her lip, I know she remembers that day in the garage just as clear as I do and yet the wall she has so carefully built over the years stands between us. And when she backs away, shaking her head, her eyes darting toward Kelsey as she unpacks, her clothes taking up the entire bed, I know I’ve lost this round.

“Ashley…” I start before Kelsey comes over and wraps an arm around her best friend, the tension between us broken.

“Let’s get out of this room, I want to explore!” she squeals just as my phone goes off in my back pocket. As I take it out and see a text from Reggie, my business partner, I sigh, knowing I need to leave.

“Sorry ladies, I need to get going, Reg needs me to help him open the shop so I gotta head out.” Kelsey smiles, letting go of Ashley before hugging me.

“I’ll see you later, right?” she asks, my eyes darting to Ashley, seeing the hesitation and wishing I could do something about it.

“Yeah, text me later and I’ll meet you guys for drinks.” Ashley gives me a slight nod before I take a deep breath and leave, a sense of calm washing over me because I have seven days to convince her I’m worth the risk, and I’ll be damned if I don't use that time wisely.

* * *

“What took you so long,” Reggie asks as I step into my tattoo shop. When I started thinking about opening my own shop, I knew I wanted it to be different. I also knew I needed a firm foundation, which is what lead me to Reggie. He's a retired Armed Forces vet with a gruff exterior but a fucking incredible talent for tattooing. He once told me that he's always been good at art but found his love for tattooing serving with his brothers. After he got injured, he knew he needed to keep himself busy, so he went headfirst into tattooing, and lucky for me he needed a partner.

“I had to say hi to my sister and her best friend,” I mutter, closing the door behind me and locking it. Our shop won't be open to the public until tomorrow, but Reg and I have some admin stuff we need to set straight.

“You mean you wanted to see her best friend and your sister just happened to be there?” he teases, knowing all about my infatuation with Ashley.

“Partly,” I admit, trying to hide the smirk but failing. “Now what did you need me for?” I ask, looking around and admiring how far I’ve come. Not even five years ago I was lost, finished with school, and wondering what the hell I was going to do with my life. Mom and Dad always told me to follow my dream and that led me to art school, but after that it was blank. I spent a year traveling the world, trying to find myself, but it wasn't until I landed in New Orleans that I felt settled. I wandered into a tattoo shop one day and knew instantly it’s what I wanted to do, so I became an apprentice, studied, and soaked up as much information as I could. I became known for my style, people sought me out, wanting to say they got a Kacey Reid tattoo, and it eventually got so insane that I was able to open my own shop.

“There’s some paperwork I need you to sign regarding the cut the shop has to give management and then we need to go over the schedule for the next week.” I nod, following him into the small office at the back of the shop. I remember when Reggie came to me with the idea of opening a shop on a cruise ship. I thought he was insane. The idea of not only leaving our actual shop behind in New Orleans but also being away for six months out of the year didn't really seem like a great business decision. But over time he convinced me to give it a try. It was a six-month lease. We would use their branding and their shop but get paid commission on every tattoo we gave, so I caved.

“So, what are you going to do about the best friend?” Reggie asks after going over the schedule and I begin to wonder how I can get Ashley alone over the next few days.

“Nothing yet. She's still wary of me.” Reggie laughs, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head.

“Of course she is, look at you! You look like you would chew her up and spit her out without a second glance.” Those words sink into my skin. Is that really what she thinks of me? “Look kid, I know you like her…I mean you’ve been talking about her for the past few weeks and to be honest I don't know if I can stand hearing anymore. So go for it. Show her exactly what you want and lay everything on the line because if you don't, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” That knowing look enters his eyes and I know he's thinking about his high school sweetheart, the one he left behind to join the army and the one who was gone when he got home.

“I appreciate the advice Reg, and I plan to use my time wisely,” I say through a smirk, chuckling at the way he shakes his head and smiles softly. He knows I won't leave this boat until I've told Ashley exactly how I feel about her, even if it ruins everything.



“Are you mad at me now?” Kelsey asks as we head to the upper decks to go explore. When I don't answer she stops, putting her hand on my arm and halting me in my tracks. “Are you?” I sigh, closing my eyes and counting to ten because I honestly don't know how to feel about what she's done. “Is it so bad that I want you and my brother to get together?” she teases, bumping me with her elbow and wagging her eyebrows.

“Kind of,” I joke, not understanding her obsession with pushing Kacey and me together. Even though I haven't seen him since that day in the garage when he lit me up like a Christmas tree, Kelsey has never passed up an opportunity to talk about him or the fact that he's single. It’s something I think about way too often for my own comfort.

“What's so bad about you being with Kacey?” she asks as if the answer isn't staring right at her.

“Oh, let me think, how about the fact that he lives on a fucking boat for half the year? Or maybe it's because I haven't seen or spoken to him in over five years and all of sudden he’s here, looking at me like he wants to devour me and…” I stop myself, the panic settling deep in my bones. There's a part of me that wants him to devour me, the same part that remembers that day in the garage. But there's also a rational part that tells me getting involved with someone so ingrained in my life is a mistake. And I can't shake that last part, as hard as I try.

“Ash, I'm not asking you to marry him.” I give her a look that makes it clear I don't believe her.

“Kels, ever since you found out about what happened in that garage you’ve been pushing us together. With the amount of time you talk about him to me, I'm guessing you do the same to him?” She has the gall to look away, avoiding me. “That's what I thought. As much as I loved what happened all those years ago, it can't go anywhere.”

“But—” I shake my head, holding up my hand as I rest it on her shoulder.

“It can't go anywhere. I will not sacrifice our friendship because of a crush.” I have a sinking feeling this is way more than a crush, but I push all of that behind me.

“Ash, you won't lose me,” she whispers, linking her fingers with mine and squeezing, something she's done ever since we were kids. “Is that what’s holding you back? Thinking that if you and Kacey ended, you would lose me too?” I can't deny the thought has crossed my mind.

“I can't lose you or your family Kels. You're all I have left.” The emotion that bubbles to the surface causes both of us to take a deep breath. “As much as I would love to be your sister in real life, you need to take a step back, okay? Don't push us together…please.” Her eyes search mine, and for a second I think she's going to continue arguing with me, but she doesn't. Instead, she smiles, wraps her arm around my shoulders, and pulls me close.

“I love you, you know that, right?” I chuckle softly, nodding.

“Yes, I know, and I love you too even though you drive me crazy.” Kelsey takes my hand, and we head toward the elevators. “So, what do you want to see?” I ask, knowing nothing about this ship.