Page 27 of Ruin the Friendship

“You can’t fix it right now Kace. I know you want to. I know you want to find the simple fix-all solution but relationships don’t work that way, especially ones that have as much history as you two.”

“So what, I have to wait months until I can talk to her?” The thought alone makes me want to pull all my hair out.

“I didn’t say that. Text her every once in a while, letting her know you’re thinking of her but know she won’t respond.” My eyes snap to his.

“Why wouldn’t she respond?”

“Because she won’t. Trust me. But don’t stop letting her know you care. It’s a small step but it will do wonders, I promise.” I nod, taking out my phone. Ashley’s name glares at me from my contacts and I hover over it, knowing I need to take Reggie’s advice to heart, but I can’t. Not yet. So I find my sister’s name and text her instead.

Me: Is she okay?

I don’t know why I ask that. I’m just asking for an answer I don’t want to hear, but my curiosity is getting the best of me.

It doesn’t take her long to respond and when she does, my heart sinks.

Kelsey: She’s on a plane back to California, but I’m not going to lie to you Kace, she’s sad. Sadder than I have ever seen her.

My heart breaks, hating the fact that I’m the cause of that.

Me: None of that was my intention, I just wanted to be honest with her and things got out of hand.

It’s the truth. It’s not like I went into that conversation wanting to hurt her. All I wanted was to be honest and my words came out all wrong and I said the wrong thing and I’m paying for it.

Kelsey: I know. And I know she knows that too, but she just needs time.

Me: Time to what? Get over me? After this contract is up I want a future with her.

The panic is rising in my chest and I take a deep breath. Part of me wants to say fuck it and break the contract and face the consequences just so I can get to Ashley and explain myself.

Kelsey: She knows that too, Kace, trust me. She's just confused right now and needs time. Just give her that and everything will be okay.

With that, I text her back a few times but she stops responding. Telling me in no uncertain terms that Ashley is off limits from now on.

I take a few deep breaths and bring up Ashley’s name, knowing I need to do this but the fear that lingers in my chest is almost enough for me to set my phone down. But I don't. I stare at the screen for what feels like hours. Trying to figure out what to say but before I begin to overthink it all, I type out a simple message.

Me: I miss you.



Five Months Later

Kacey: Good night beautiful

It's the same message I get every single day but today it hits differently. I've been staring at it for hours knowing he’s back on land and from what Kelsey has told me, he canceled the rest of his contract. To be honest, I don't know how to feel about all of it. I’m happy he's home and yet I’m unsure what it all means. Did he cancel his contract because of me? Did he sacrifice something he loved just to prove to me that he's serious about us? Because if that’s the case, I might puke.

These last five months have been some of the worst of my life. Usually, the weather alone in California is enough to put a smile on my face, but nothing has worked. I even went to a beach for the first time since moving here, thinking of Kacey as my feet sank deep into the sand and the water cascaded around my ankles causing a war of emotions to enter my chest.

I want a future with Kacey, that much became crystal clear with all this time apart, but my heart still has that shield around it. My head reminds me that men like Kacey can say one thing and then turn around and do the opposite. But the longer I’ve been away from him, the more I want to ignore my head and go with what my heart wants. And that’s Kacey.

I run into my room, grab my suitcase, and pile as many clothes as I can as I pull out my phone and call Kelsey.

“Do you have any idea what time it is you bitch?” I look over at the clock and see that it's just after ten pm and then cringe, remembering she's still in New York.

“Shit, sorry Kels,” I mutter, grabbing even more clothes, hoping to god the weather is good in New Orleans because I don't have time to find everything I need. “But I need to know your brother's address.” I expect a reaction from her, but instead, I get silence. “Kels? You there?”

“Yeah, but I could have sworn you just asked me for my brother's address.” I chuckle softly, going into my bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush before throwing it in my suitcase and zipping it up.