“You get lost in here?” she teases, eying me questioningly as her gaze lands on her brother. “What are you doing here?” she accuses, the annoyance clear.

“This was my house too, Kels, plus I needed to change the oil in my car.” Kelsey rolls her eyes, looking back at me as I hold up the beers.

“Got them, let's head back to the pool,” I say before she notices anything is different.

Kelsey mutters “finally,” before walking out and as I follow, I look back only to watch as Kacey licks his fingers, winking as the door shuts behind me. It's not until I get back to my chair beside Kelsey that I realize where those fingers had just been.

* * *

Hours later I’m sitting in my room, the one that Kelsey’s parents set up every time I’m back in town, and feel my phone vibrate beside me.

Unknown: I can still feel you coming against me and it’s been hours.

I know exactly who this is as my heartrate rises.

Me: Kacey, how did you get my number?

Kacey: My sister’s phone is not that hard to break into.

I roll my eyes, leaning back against my headboard and sighing at the thought of Kacey actively trying to find my number.

Me: Why would you need my number? You know where I'm staying.

Kacey: True but I wanted to talk about what happened earlier and I don’t want any prying ears to listen in.

He means Kelsey, and I agree. If he came over and told her he wanted to talk to me, I know she would ask questions I’m not ready to answer just yet.

Me: What is there to talk about?

My stomach is in knots because I know what he's going to say and I'm not ready for this conversation. I was hoping to be long gone before he tried to get in touch with me. I know there's a connection between us, he feels it and I know I definitely feel it, but it can't go anywhere. He lives…wherever he lives at the moment and I'm in California. Long distance isn’t on my radar and isn’t something I want to try on a relationship that’s just starting.

Kacey: Us.

Me: There is no us.

Kacey: There could be.

There it is. The dangling of the forbidden fruit and it’s so fucking tempting to take it, but I know I can't. As much as I would love to dive headfirst into Kacey and everything that comes with him, I know that’s not possible.

Me: No there can't. I’m in California, I'm focused on school, and we would never make it long distance.

There's a long period of silence from him and for a minute I think he's given up, but then another text comes through and the second my eyes read it over, I sigh, wondering if I'm doing the right thing.

Kacey: I know you felt what I felt Ash. We have something and I don’t want you to leave without us at least trying to work things out. I’ll do whatever you need and if you need time, then I’ll wait for you.

God, reading that last part makes my heart sink. The idea of him wanting me enough that waiting is even an option is flattering and almost enough to change my mind, I know this won’t work. Not right now.

Me: I can't do it Kacey. I like you, you know that, and what happened earlier was amazing, but we won’t work. And please don’t wait for me, that’s not what I want.

I send the text thinking that’s it because he doesn’t text back. I thought he took my words to heart. Then I woke up the next morning looked at my phone and saw one last message from him.

Kacey: I will change your mind Ashley.



Present Day