The hallways are cold and impersonal, feeling more like a museum than a house, but the second I enter the kitchen, that all changes. I can't help the smile that plays at the edge of my lips once my bare feet hit the gray slate tile, breathing in the scent of tomato sauce and garlic. I've always loved this kitchen. From the second I stepped foot in here over two years ago, I was envious, not only of the state-of-the-art appliances or the pantry stocked with every kind of food you could imagine but also of the warmth elicited once you were there. It reminded me of home.

“I hope you like spaghetti because that's all I know how to make on short notice.” His eyes meet mine as he glances over his shoulder, winking as he looks back down at the pasta floating in the pot of boiling water.

“I love all things carbs, so you're good,” I tease, smiling as I take a seat on the island, tucking my feet underneath me as I watch him cook. His muscles are concealed under his long white shirt, but I still take a moment to bask in the way he moves around the kitchen; so familiar, so confident. It's sexy as hell.

Before I'm ready, he's plating our food and motioning for me to follow him toward the little nook in the corner, the place where I always used to have my coffee in the morning when I would get up before Zack.

“Let me know if it needs more garlic. I always err on the side of caution since my love for it seems to frighten people. Mainly my son.” I chuckle softly, remembering how Zack used to complain about how spicy Colton made all the food.

“But to be fair, Zack thought ketchup was too spicy, so don’t take his opinion to heart.” Colton smiles, nodding as he takes a bite, and I do the same, moaning at the taste before freezing. My eyes flick up to see Colton staring blazing fire in my direction. From the way his knuckles turn white under his grip, I wonder if he remembers what happened earlier in the shower. But before I can ask, he breaks eye contact and goes back to shoveling food into his mouth.

“So tell me what happened?” I shake my head, wanting to stay very far away from why I'm here and everything that led me to this point in my life. But even as I stuff mouthful after mouthful of pasta into my mouth, Colton waits. Silently telling me that he won't leave this be until I spill the beans. So I do. I tell him about the letter I received about the grant the day Zack and I broke up, and how three months later, I was given notice that I needed to vacate my dorm since government funding wasn't an option, and I was too proud to go home. I spill everything, and he just sits there in silence after I'm done.

“I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that bad. I mean, I know if it got really bad, I could just go home.” With my plate empty and Colton shoving the last of his meal into his mouth, I sit back in my seat, wondering if he’ll push me further.

“Why didn't you?” I cock my head to the side, wondering where he's going with this. “Why didn't you go home? Why put yourself in danger?” I roll my eyes, shaking my head at how paranoid he sounds.

“Colton, come on. You know as well as I do that Sinful Phoenix is probably one of the safest places for girls in need of some extra cash. Once I talked to Dianne and really got down to the nitty-gritty of it all, I never feared for my safety. Not once.” Colton nods, understanding washing over his features.

“God, this is so fucked up,” he mutters, placing his head in his hands and grasping at his hair. For a split second, I wonder what it would feel like if I was the one pulling him toward me, demanding he do all the things I've fantasized about for years.

“It's not like I planned this. It's not like I knew it was you all along and sent you all those photos to trap you.” His head shoots up, his eyes filled with worry.

“Baby girl,” he whispers, the endearment slipping as it settles between us. “I know none of this is your fault, but come on, I've seen pictures of you naked. I've said things to you that I can never take back, and I've dreamed of…” He trails off, my breath hitching at the thought of what he was about to say. But before I can ask him to finish, he's up out of his chair, grabbing our plates and walking toward the kitchen to place them in the sink.

“I think it's time for bed,” he mutters, not looking my way as I get up from my seat and make my way toward the doorway. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry.” He turns, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Sorry for what?” I ask, turning back around.

“I don't know, sorry I didn't see you were struggling when you were with Zack, sorry I didn't know he was buying sex online inside my own house? Sorry, your life seemed to fall apart after that day…all the above?” I quickly make my way toward him, stopping just inches from him as I place my hands on his crossed arms. I ignore the way his breath becomes uneven the second my fingers touch his skin, I ignore the way his eyes darken the second they meet mine, and I ignore the way my heart begins to race as I stare at the man who has just saved my life.

“Colton, you saved me. What you're doing right now is nothing short of a miracle in my eyes. Nothing about what happened is your fault, especially Zack. That's all on him, and he will have to live with that the rest of his life, but I'm sure he doesn't give a shit. He never did,” I mutter, looking away before taking a deep breath.

“I'm still sorry,” Colton says, his breath cascading across my face as I peer up and meet his eyes. The desire hidden in their depth makes me dizzy, and the way his skin feels under my touch sets my body on fire as I cease to think at all. I just want to feel, which can be the only explanation for why I lift myself on my toes, my fingers gripping his arms, and place my lips on his. Colton's intake of breath is enough for me to pull away, embarrassment washing over every inch of my skin as I step away, turning to run upstairs, but I'm stopped in my tracks.

“Fuck,” Colton mutters before spinning me on my heels. Both his hands cup the sides of my face as his lips capture mine in a brutal kiss that is void of any sweetness, but instead, it's filled with so much pent-up desire that I feel I might burst.

My arms wrap around his neck, pulling myself flush against his chest as his hands travel down the length of my body until they find my ass, gripping it tight as he pulls me even closer.

“Colton…” I whimper, my body melting into him as he jolts against me, almost as if struck by lightning. And within seconds, he's across the room, panting, eyes blazing fire as we both breathe heavily.

“Shit,” he mutters, shaking his head as he avoids my eyes. “Fuck, that shouldn't have happened.” I open my mouth to tell him the opposite. That it felt so good, so right, but before I can even utter a syllable, he's gone, running up the stairs, and I flinch as his bedroom door slams shut.


Idon't know how long I stand in the kitchen, staring at the hallway that leads toward the stairs, hoping and praying that Colton comes back down so we can talk. But he doesn't. Instead, I’m left to my own devices, my fingers itching to do something to keep my mind off what the fuck just happened.

I kissed Colton.

I gave in to the deepest, darkest fantasies about him and did the one thing I told myself I would never do.God, the way his lips felt against mine surpassed anything I could ever dream up in my head.The way his fingers gripped my waist and pulled me closer, and the way he took over the kiss, demanding it go deeper, harder with more passion than I've ever felt before.

He kissed me back.The thought enters my head as I sink back against the counter, my back hitting the marble as my mouth falls open. Coltondidpush me away…eventually.But not before taking what he wanted…me.

Holy shit.

My fingers press against my lips, and I close my eyes as I think back to what it felt like to be in his arms, to feel that lust wash off his skin and onto mine. I've never felt that kind of connection before, and I want more.So much more.Before getting even more worked up, I decide to do the dishes, and since I need the distraction, I dive headfirst into the task. I move around the room, putting away plates, silverware, and cups, trying not to think about why I know where they all go and how fucking weird it is being inside this house again.

I have no idea what time it is or how much time has actually passed since Colton bolted up the stairs, but I find myself wandering around the house, taking in the pieces of art hanging on the walls and wondering what would possess someone to buy what looks like a children's painting and hang it on their wall for all to see. I dust my fingers over side tables, sculptures, and knickknacks that I'm surprised to see scattered about. A part of me wonders if they belonged to Zack's mom before she died, but Zack always refused to talk about her when I was around, so I never got to ask.