Not a lie. Once I started talking to him, I knew that auction would be a means to an end; a way to get my money and finally have the freedom to follow my dreams. I want him, and from what I can tell, he wants me too.

DaddyB: I will own you for a week after tonight.

And with that, he signs off, leaving me panting, excited, and desperate for the auction to begin.

Several hours later, I’m sitting in my car outside the public library, stealing their Wi-Fi and praying my heart doesn’t beat out of my chest. I log in to my profile, open my messages, and frown when I see it’s empty. I don’t know why I expected him to say something beforehand, but I quickly set aside my disappointment and watch the countdown clock at the top of the screen.

The second the auction begins, my heart races, my fingers itching to do something, anything but wait and see what happens. All I wanted out of this was enough money to get me through one year of my master’s program. That’s it. Then I met DaddyB, and a small part of me wants him more than anything. In these few weeks, he’s been my lifeline when everything has seemed so dark, and I don’t want to lose that.

Just as I’m about to talk myself out of this whole thing, my photo comes up. It’s just a picture of my cleavage—no faces—and then another full body shot, one I took in the bathroom mirror that makes me look sexy as hell. Dianne explained when I joined that this would be a silent auction. All I can see on my end are the bids, and I watch with wide eyes as the number climbs and climbs until, all of a sudden, it jumps from ten grand to fifty, and the auction stops. That’s when my phone vibrates, and a single message pops up on my screen.

DaddyB: You’re mine, baby girl.

Just as I start typing back, my phone rings, and my heart stills. Sinful Phoenix’s head office’s number lights up on my screen, and I know who it is before I even accept the call. I know I need to figure out what I want to do in the next sixty seconds.

“Hello, Dianne,” I say, my hands shaking as they grip the steering wheel in front of me, my head resting on the headrest.

“Sutton, I expect you know why I’m calling?” I make a noise of admission before she continues. “Before I get into the contract details DaddyB has set out, I want to remind you that you are not obligated to any of this. We can amend anything that you feel violates your limits. Understood?”


“Fantastic. So the client would like to purchase the time of one week.” I smirk at the way she skirts around the fact that he’s buying my body. “He is offering room and board for that time at his residence. His only stipulation is that you send us your measurements.” I crinkle my brow.

“My measurements?” I wonder aloud. Why would he need those?

“Yes, he has noted that he would like to buy some things for you during that week, and those are needed for that to happen.” I take a breath, wondering how rich this guy is for him to do all of this for a little pussy for a week.

“Okay, that’s fine. I can send those over.”

“Perfect. Now for the payment. He is offering one hundred thousand dollars for the entire seven days. Half to be paid immediately after signing the contract and the other half upon completion of the week.” My mouth goes dry, my heart beating rapidly as that number sinks in.

“One hundred thousand dollars? But the auction stopped at fifty…” I whisper, the amount so foreign to me that I wouldn’t even know what that looks like.

“That is true. But after it closed, he amended his amount and offered more. Now, we can ask for more if you want, but I will say that is generous for that amount of time.” I sputter at the mention of asking for more, wondering if girls do that a lot.

“No, that amount is fine.” I don’t recognize my own voice, the disbelief washing over every inch of my skin.

“Perfect!” Dianne says, the smile clear in her voice. “I will send over the contract for you to sign, and once that’s settled, I will let you know where to meet him.”

“Won’t that be his house?” I ask, her laugh whispering through the phone.

“We prefer all meetings to be in a public place. It alleviates some of the concerns from girls about safety and allows us to control the situation until you’re one-hundred-percent sure you want to go ahead with that contract.” I nod, questions swirling around my brain.

“So even if I sign the contract tonight, I can leave?” I’m wondering what the point of the contract is, then.

“The contract is mostly for financial security for our male clients. You’re allowed to leave at any time, no matter the circumstances. Each day you stay is allotted an amount of money, so if you stay three days, you get that money but forfeit the rest, and so on. Make sense?” I make a noise of agreeance as she shuffles papers on the other end of the call. “Perfect, so I will send this over within the next hour, and we will go from there.”

“Thank you,” I whisper as the phone disconnects. I’m left sitting in silence, wondering how my life went from one extreme to another in the span of minutes. Before I think better of it, I open the app and send him a message.

SexKitten34: A hundred grand for a week? Are you serious?

DaddyB: What can I say, I wanted to make it worth your while

He follows that up with a winking emoji, and all the uncertainty I was holding in my chest dissipates into mist. I smile, knowing that this is the answer to all my problems.

SexKitten34: Why me?

It’s a question I’ve held close for the past few weeks, wondering why a successful man like him would want anything to do with me, but I have been too scared to ask.