I don’t know what possesses me to roll the mouse up and click on the bubble in the top corner, but I do, and the second that window opens and the screen fills with a website that I have never heard of, my heart drops to the floor. What the fuck is Sinful Phoenix?

My eyes scan the email, my entire body slowly dissolving into disbelief the longer I stare at the screen.

Dear SexManiac34,

Congratulations on winning the auction tonight. Your first choice, Carly, has agreed to your terms, and your contract should be on its way within a couple of hours. Please read over it, amend anything that needs it, and reply so we can set up your meeting with Carly.

Best Wishes,


Owner and Founder.

There’s a link at the bottom of the email. My hands shake as I click it, and I gasp when the website pops up, finally beginning to understand what the hell I just read. It’s a sex auction.

“Babe, you still in here? You’ve been gone a while…” Zack’s voice trails off, his eyes bugging out of his head as he realizes what I just found. “It’s not what you think,” he states, panic clear in his gaze.

“Oh really? So I didn’t just find out that you paid a girl an obscene amount of money for sex?” I’m pissed. I’m sure the hurt and devastation will come later, but right now, all I want to do is cross the room and fucking punch his handsome face.

“Uhhh,” he stutters, this blank look crossing his features as my anger begins to subside and the sadness rises to the surface.

“That’s seriously all you want to say right now?” I accuse, hating the tears welling behind my eyes. “Is this the first time you’ve done this?” I ask as the silence surrounds me, the guilt washing off him in waves. “Of course it’s not. I’m just the stupid girlfriend who didn’t figure it out, right?” Zack opens his mouth to say something, but I’m already grabbing my things and walking out of his room, running down the stairs and toward the front door.

“Whoa! What’s the hurry! Zack couldn’t have been that bad,” Mr. Bishop jokes, the words falling between us as I stand in his foyer in nothing but a tank top and swim bottoms. My cheeks blush scarlet as the tears continue to well in my eyes, my hands ruffling through my bag until I find my shorts and frantically slip them on. “Hey,” he whispers, his voice gentle as it echoes through the space. “You okay?” His fingers brush over my shoulder, but the second they make contact, I pull away, my eyes meeting his.

“I need to go,” I mutter, sniffling as a lone tear escapes and falls down my cheek.

“What did he do?” he growls. The sound surrounds me as I close my eyes, shaking my head. I can’t say it. I can’t admit that I was with someone who would do something like that to me. It’s too embarrassing.

“Ask Zack.” I sputter, opening the front door and walking out into the sunshine. Every fiber of my being is telling me to look back and take one last look at him before I leave because I know deep down in my bones that this will be the last time I see him.



My phone dings as I leave the coffee shop after my shift, alerting me that there’s a message waiting, and I can’t help as my heart begins to race and my palms begin to sweat at the thought of what it says. The second I open the app and see the red dot above the messages icon, I smile, knowing exactly who it’s from.

I know I shouldn’t be addicted to his messages, but I am. They seem to be the only thing getting me through the days since I was kicked out of my dorm and forced to live out of my car. I know my parents would take me back with open arms and let me live in my old room, but I can’t seem to do it. Failure isn’t in my DNA, and admitting that I can’t do what I set out to do when I graduated last year is embarrassing and something I’m not ready to face. So I spend my days taking shifts at the coffee shop trying to save enough money to get an apartment, lingering in bookstores and libraries, mooching off their Wi-Fi and hoping for a miracle.

I’ve spent the past nine months trying everything I can to get into that master’s program. According to the student center, deferring was my only option until I could come up with the money needed to enroll. That was when my anger came out, and I was ready to go over to Zack’s place and scream at him with this insistent need to blame him seeping deep into my bones. But deep down, I know it’s not his fault. The shit show that is my life just happened to coincide with finding out he bought a weekend of sex with a woman off the internet.

It wasn’t until the second month of sneaking into the girls’ locker room at Elora to shower, shame sticking to every inch of my skin, that a wicked thought entered my mind and stayed there for several days until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. That night, I found a very secluded corner of the library, opened my laptop, and typed Sinful Phoenix into Google, knowing that there was no going back once I did this. I clicked on their website, and within hours I had created a profile, set up a payment plan, and signed a contract with Dianne.

When I barged out of the Bishop household, the anger at Zack for what he did washing over me, I never thought I would be one of those girls on that website, selling themselves for money. But when you’re using a bar of soap as shampoo, a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do, and from what Dianne told me, Sinful Phoenix could change my life. And she was right. I knew going into this that I would have to sell myself at the auction—that’s one of the stipulations when signing up—but the closer the auction gets, the more nervous I become.

DaddyB: I can’t wait for tonight

God,even seeing his name causes butterflies to flutter around my stomach, my body flooding with heat and making my arousal skyrocket. I’ve been talking to him for months—nightly chats, a dick pic here or there, and sending him weekly video messages that usually always include me getting off in some way only to secretly wish I could hear his voice. When we started talking, I told myself I never wanted the men on this site to see my face, and I’ve stuck to that. DaddyB has done the same, never showing me much more than his hard cock and sexy fingers as they wrap around it.

SexKitten34: Tonight?

My heart begins to race as those three dots appear, holding my breath and waiting to see what he has to say. A part of me wants to beg him to buy me tonight, to throw away all the hesitation and jump into these roaring feelings headfirst. But the rational part of my brain knows that those ideas are just fairy tales, dreams of what I want most.

DaddyB: You think you can put yourself in that auction, and I won’t buy you? You underestimate me, baby girl.

The nickname rolls down my spine, sending shock waves of pleasure through my body. I know DaddyB is older, that much is evident, but other than that, I have no fucking clue who he is. Our exchanges have been faceless pictures, videos, and sexy text messages.

SexKitten34: I didn’t think you would be interested in something like that.