Page 33 of Staying for Her

“Lucas, you still there?” I hear on the other end, shaking me from the fog that is my girlfriend.

Billie smirks, waving me to answer.

“Yes, I’m here.” My voice cracks, my nerves running rampant.

“I need you to come into the office. There’s some paperwork that I need you to sign and I have something I need to show you.”

I crinkle my brow, wondering what he could possibly need to show me. We went over everything to do with my parents weeks ago.

“Can I ask what it is you need to show me?”

“I think it’s better if you just come down.”

I nod, telling him I’ll be there in half an hour, and hang up the phone before telling Billie what he said.

“You don’t think your parents changed their mind, do you?” Her hopefulness is endearing, but I shake my head, knowing that is definitely not what this is about.

“No, that’s not like them. I honestly have no idea what this could be,” I admit, getting up and getting dressed.

“I’m coming with you,” Billie mutters, flinging the cover off her body and rummaging through her shit to find a dress to wear.

I know better than to argue because once my girl gets something set in her mind, there is no changing it. So I just nod, smiling and leaning up against the dresser until she’s done. When she’s checking herself out in the mirror, I make my way behind her, wrapping my arms around her middle and resting my chin on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry my plan for my life didn’t work out the way I wanted,” I whisper against the crook of her neck. “I wanted to give you a life you deserve.”

Billie immediately shakes her head, turning to face me before taking my face in her hands.

“Lucas Collins, I need you to stop that train of thought right now and listen to me.” Her eyes narrow and I can’t stop the smirk that plays on my lips. I love when she gets like this, it is sexy as hell. “I love you, and I will love any life we have together. Money doesn’t equal happiness, at least not for me. I just want you.”

I actively remind myself to take a breath because I’m stuck on the first three words she said.

“You love me?” I whisper, leaning my forehead against hers as I breathe in her fresh scent. My eyes catch hers and a confused look crosses her face.

“You thought I didn’t?”

I shrug, still basking in the fact that I have never been this blissfully happy in my life.

“Lucas, you are kind, sweet, and considerate. You show me every day how much I mean to you and you make me grateful every second that you moved in across the hall.” She smiles, taking my face in her hands again and kissing me lightly. “I love you so much.”

“Fuck, I love you so fucking much, Billie. My life would be meaningless without you. You’re my world, the reason I breathe and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know that.” I kiss her, pulling her flush to my chest as my mouth devours hers, the small mewling noises sending arousal straight to my cock. “As much as I would love to continue this, we do need to get to the lawyer’s office.”

“Later?” she teases, nipping at my lower lip, eliciting a guttural sound from my chest.

“Later,” I growl before taking her lips once more.

* * *

“Lucas, thanks for coming on such short notice. I appreciate that.”

I nod, Billie’s hand squeezing mine as I take a deep breath, wondering for the millionth time why I’m here.

“Now, I know we had some turbulence with your parents and their back-and-forth regarding your inheritance.”

I nod again, not understanding where this is going.

“Well, it looks like there’s a new development.”

I crinkle my brow, my gaze catching Billie as Harry goes around his desk and pulls out an envelope.