Page 21 of Falling for Her

“Hello?” Addison asks again and I snap back into focus.

“Hey, it’s Hannah. Did I wake you?”

She chuckles, making a dismissive sound as if that’s impossible.

“No, I’ve been up for hours trying not to puke.” I peer over at the clock and see that it’s after midnight and I groan, hating that she’s going through that.

“Is Brendan there with you?”

The hesitation on her end tells me more than any words she could ever say and I close my eyes, wishing she had someone to rely on that wasn’t her brother or his friends.

“Of course not,” she sighs, almost resigned to the fact that this is just the way it is. “He had a football game today, so it’s the usual party night for him.”

“Have you talked to him more about the baby?” I ask, my headlights flashing down the road as I make my way farther and farther away from Cash.

“I did.” From her tone, I can tell it didn’t go well. “He seemed pretty happy about it, excited even…”

“But…” I say, my fingers gripping the steering wheel and bracing for what she’s about to say.

“But his father had another reaction. Seems he thinks I’m trying to trap his son and that I did all of this on purpose to steal their money.”

I can’t help the intake of breath as I shake my head in disbelief.

“You’re not serious,” I mutter, turning down another road, aimlessly driving with no destination in mind.

“Dead serious. So of course, Brendan and I had a fight about it. I wanted him to stand up for me. He wanted me to stop causing drama.”

I roll my eyes, hating this guy even more now. I know he’s not what Drew wanted for his sister, and to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of him right now either.

“Do you want me to come over?” I ask, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. On one hand, I need to talk to her and on the other, I think she needs someone on her side right now, and I’m more than willing to be that person.

“Sure, I could use someone to vent to.”

I laugh, that pressure in my chest lightening just a bit.

“So, what did Cash do?”

I chuckle softly, a part of me loving that Addison knows Cash almost as well as I do. It makes this so much easier.

“How do you know it was something Cash did?”

“Because that’s the only reason a girl calls at this time of night. That or you’re drunk, and by the sounds of it, you’re driving, so I hope to God you’re not drunk.”

I wish.

“Nope. Although having a drink wouldn’t be a bad idea right now.”

“Well, I hate to say it but you won’t find any here either. I had Drew take all my booze because it was just depressing to see it and not be able to drink it.”

I hear that.

“So, spill it. What did he do to piss you off?”

I take a deep breath and let the story spill from my lips. From the text messages to what Cash said right before I stormed out.

After a beat of silence, Addison clears her throat. “Look, I get that what he said was bad. That boy has a chronic case of word vomit and has his entire life, but he’s not that guy, Hannah. He probably realized his mistake the second you walked out the door, and if I’m honest, he’s not completely wrong.”

“Seriously? You’re taking his side here?” I mutter, stopping at a light and leaning my head back against the headrest and closing my eyes. “I thought you were supposed to be automatically on my side, girl power and all that.”