“Because I don’t want to talk to you? Because you disgust me? How about because the sight of you makes me want to throw things against a wall? Any of those reasons are fair and just as to why I do not want you to drive me home.” Fuck. How I wish I could throw something right now, specifically at his head or anywhere near him. Maybe I should go back into the bar and grab those darts because apparently, I have a knack for hitting people with them.
“Don’t be like that, Harper, it’s not becoming, and it makes you sound like a bitch.” He sneers, gripping my wrist even tighter.
“Harper?” I hear from behind Cole, and like an angel from heaven, Josh steps into view and stands there looking like my personal savior.
“Who the fuck is this?” Cole spits as Josh makes his way over to where we’re standing.
I use this as a distraction to get my arm out of his grip, sending me closer to Josh in the process. His arm wraps around my shoulders, pulling me close to his side as a sigh of relief escapes.
“Are you okay?” Josh whispers, his breath lightly brushing against the exposed skin of my neck. I nod, that sense of calm washing over my entire body once again.
“Answer the fucking question, Harper. Who the fuck is this?” Cole demands, Josh’s arm tightening at his tone.
“None of your business. I told you I never wanted to see you again and I meant it. Please leave me alone.”
Josh tenses beside me, making me wonder the thoughts going through his head right now.
“You’re going to throw away two years together because of one mistake?” His voice gets louder, more people are leaving the bar and all eyes are on us, making me tense.
“One mistake? Cole, you slept with someone else and never once apologized for it. To me, that’s a big fucking mistake.” My head tilts as Josh’s eyes meet mine. I expect to find his gaze filled with pity, but I find the exact opposite. Yet when his eyes shift back to Cole, they darken, pure rage radiating off every inch of him as his fingers dig into my hip.
“We were never going to work, you know that.” I’m being too nice. It’s what Mel always says whenever I get mad at someone. I’m too nice. I don’t like burning bridges, I don’t like causing someone else pain and yet apparently, I let others do that to me without a second thought.
“Fine. You wanna play it like that? Go ahead,” he growls in our direction. “You were a lousy fuck anyway, why do you think I went searching for something better?” he sneers as he walks away.
I know he’s saying it to piss me off, to make me feel the pain he’s feeling right now, but it doesn’t hurt any less. Was I really that bad? I shake the thought away before it takes root and settles deep within my subconscious.
“Hey,” I hear softly whispered from beside me and as I tilt my head back, Josh’s eyes smile down on me. “Don’t listen to him, okay? He obviously shouldn’t be trusted since he let you walk away.” He’s being sweet, and it’s been a very long time since someone has been sweet to me, but the reality is he has no idea if what Cole said was true or not.
“That’s sweet, but you never know, it could be true.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to feign nonchalance when inside I’m screaming.
“I promise, Sunshine, he’s lying.” The way he calls me Sunshine sends a warmth through my chest. But when his fingers lift my chin, I’m met with that megawatt smile. “Let me take you home?”
I start to shake my head when he places the palms of both hands on either side of my face, stopping me.
Before I know it, he’s leading me toward the parking lot and away from the street. In the distance, I see a black pickup truck sitting alone near the back of the lot. I chuckle softly.
“What?” he asks as we approach the truck, stopping at the passenger side door, waiting for my answer.
“This is yours?” I ask, not believing this is actually something he would drive. It’s not new. I can tell from the scratch marks on the side, the worn tread on the tires and the fact that it needs a good wash that this isn’t a truck of a man that makes millions a year. “It’s not what I pictured for you.”
“What did you picture?” The teasing tone makes me smile as I lean against the door.
“Jocks usually go big or go home when it comes to cars and trucks, and it’s usually meant to overcompensate for something a little… smaller.” My eyes drift down on their own, leading to dangerous territory. He places that finger under my chin again, bringing my eyes back up to meet his.
“Trust me, Sunshine, I have nothing to overcompensate for.”
The look on her face is priceless. I would give anything to make her blush like that all the damn time. Yet when I open the passenger door, she stiffens, her eyes catching mine and I notice they’re filled with apprehension.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” she whispers. “I just met you and for all I know, you could be luring me away to kidnap me.”
A laugh bursts through my chest as her hands find their way to her hips. She’s so cute when she’s feisty.