“Um, yes. I’m going home. Don’t worry, I have a first aid kit and everything,” she says way too quickly. I can see the flight in her eyes, and that sense of panic hits my gut once more.
“That’s good,” I say, coming up with a plan on the spot. “Because taking care of these cuts without one would be pretty hard.” That smile is back, but that nervousness is still creeping up the edges of her body, and I can’t have that.
“So, I’ll see you later. Better get home before I decide to punch any more men.” She chuckles to herself and starts to walk away.
I lightly grasp her arm and turn her back toward me. “Did you really think that I would let you walk home alone after what you just told me?”
She shrugs and I know that’s exactly what she thought would happen. Not on my watch.
“Plus,” I say, taking her hand in mine and leading her away from the gym and down the street. “I’m an expert at first aid, I think for safety reasons I should be the one to take care of you.” I don’t let her talk me out of it. I just keep on walking, her hand gripping mine with all her might.
“That’s either extremely nice of you or one of the worst pickup lines I’ve ever heard.”
“I’ll let you decide which one it is,” I tease, winking as I drape my arm around her shoulder, letting her lead me toward her apartment.
* * *
“Where’s your first aid kit?” I ask as she turns the key to open her front door. As it opens, I get a full look at her space and I can’t help the smile. It’s so Harper. It feels lived in and homey with a sectional couch in the corner that sits in front of a very large TV. I secretly wonder if she watched me play on that TV. The walls are painted white, yet pictures adorn every spare inch, which are comprised of mostly art but I see a few family photos scattered around.
“Uh, it’s in the bathroom,” she says as she closes the door behind her.
I look down the hall, knowing the bathroom is in that direction, but stand there like an idiot just so I can stare at her a bit more.
“If you want to grab it, it’s down the hall and to the left.”
“Okay,” I don’t know what else to say, so I start to make my way down the hall.
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asks as I quickly find the first aid kit and head back into the living room. “Apparently I only have beer and water.” She sounds embarrassed but really it makes me like her even more. I ask for a water and she quickly brings my glass and her beer into the room, setting them on the coffee table.
“Are you thinking about staying for a bit?” I ask, motioning to the fact that she’s still wearing her coat.
Her eyes widen as she bursts out laughing. She heads toward the front door and when I see what she has on under that coat, my entire body freezes.
My eyes trail the length of her body and I swear my tongue is hanging out of my mouth. She is fucking beautiful.
“Shit…” I mutter as I continue to take in the scrap of clothing she’s wearing. Is that even a dress? It fits her like a glove and the way it hugs her hips is making me want to rip it right off her body and lick every inch of her. “You look incredible.” My eyes finally meet hers and the uncertainty in her gaze makes me wonder who put it there.
Her hands smooth down the front of her dress and then she gently pulls the hem down. I want to scream at her to leave it alone because the sight of her legs is driving me crazy. They look a mile long and all I can picture is how they would look wrapped around me.
“It’s a bit too short for me,” she jokes, trying to laugh it off but I don’t smile. My eyes continue to take her in, one inch at a time.
“Are you kidding me? It’s perfect,” I growl, throwing the first aid kit on the couch, forgotten. “You’re perfect.”
I take two steps and I’m right in front of her, the sweet smell of strawberries hitting me as I close my eyes and suppress a moan. My breath hits her skin and I love the goose bumps that appear as my fingers graze the sides of her arms. I trail one finger along her bottom lip, loving the feel of her. With rapt fascination, I watch as her tongue dips out and flicks against my thumb.
“Harper…” I groan, my fingers trailing farther south, past her jaw and down the curve of her neck.
Her breathing is erratic as her eyes dilate.
She’s just as turned on as I am.
My fingers travel even farther, following the curve of her dress, past her chest and down the valley between her breasts. Never have I loved a plunging neckline more than this moment. The way her skin feels is intoxicating and as my eyes lock with hers, I can see the lust and I can’t fight this anymore.
My hands curve around the nape of her neck and a needy moan leaves her lips. Fuck it. Before I think better of it, my lips are on hers and I can’t help the low growl that settles in my chest. It’s a mixture of everything leading up to this point. The heated looks, the sideways glances and the barely-there touches. All of it was leading to the moment her lips touched mine and Jesus, it’s incredible.
Her arms circle my neck, pulling me closer. My hands travel along her lower back, pulling her even closer than before. Yet it’s not enough. The kiss becomes all-consuming as I walk her backward until she hits the front door. Her soft, pliant body is pinned against mine, making me wonder why I took so long to taste her.
“Fuck, Sunshine, I can’t get enough of you,” I murmur against her skin, letting my teeth graze her ear, making her arch back into me.