Page 31 of Hard Ball

“It sounds like she wants you to have a sugar daddy.” I’m joking but from the look on her face, I’m not far off.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if that was her ultimate goal. She’s had a few of her own since my dad died. All rich, all expendable in the end.”

That’s just sad. Living your life never really loving anything, just the money they bring to the relationship.

“I should probably get going,” I whisper, watching her fingers land on my belt as I close my eyes and will myself to step away.

“Shit,” she murmurs. “Of course, you have to leave.” She pulls her hands away and ducks under my arm. “You have a game tomorrow.” She averts her eyes as she gathers up her things and I can’t help but stand there and take her in. That dark gray skirt and white blouse are every man’s fantasy and I sure as hell will be dreaming about that lace bra until I can see it again.

“Harper,” I begin, making my way closer to where she’s standing, needing to feel her one more time before I walk out that front door.

“Josh.” The tone of her voice has my heart sinking and I know she’s going to fight this again. She’s fighting this so hard and I still don’t understand why.

“I’m not going to ask you anything tonight. I think we both know that what happened tonight was amazing.”

Her eyes flare, her chest rising with the breath she takes as I grasp the sides of her face with both of my hands.

“I know you want this; I can feel it with every look and every catch of your breath when we’re together.”

“I don’t…” I place a finger on her lips, letting her know I need her to stop talking.

“What is so terrifying about being with me?”

When she doesn’t answer, I place a soft kiss on her cheek and step back.

“I will change your mind, Harper Stevens.”

And with that, I walk out of her office, down the hall and toward the front door. I take one last look behind me as I open the door, seeing Harpers head pop out of her office and I give her my best smile.

“Good night, Josh,” She blushes, the curve in her lips subtle.

“Good night, Sunshine.”



It’s been three days. Three days since I had a sneak preview of what Josh Anderson is capable of, and three days of dreaming about the man that has taken over every aspect of my life. The second I step foot into my apartment after work, I regret living alone. Usually, the silence is comforting at a time like this, but right now the emptiness is suffocating. All I can seem to do is think about Josh and the way his lips felt against my skin, and the way his hands felt gripping my body. I need a distraction because the more I stand here thinking about Josh, the more I want to find him and continue what we were doing the other night.

Instead of sitting around all night fantasizing and reminiscing about exactly what Josh could do if I had let him finish what he started, I decide to go to Paul’s. Maybe drinking away the memories will help me sleep tonight.

I make my way over to my closet, pulling out every piece of clothing I can see that might be appropriate for a night out on the town, but after ten minutes I sit on the edge of my bed and pick up my phone.

Do I text Mel and ask her for help? I really want her to know everything that’s going on with Josh, but even though I will tell her eventually, I don’t really feel up to it right now. So I walk back toward my small closet and pray that I can find something I can wear that isn’t full of holes or is a white T-shirt. And that’s when I see a glint out of the corner of my eye. I snag the black sequin dress and hold it up in front of me. I know for a fact that this is not my dress, and there’s only one other person this could belong to; Mel.

She must have left it here after one of our girls’ nights, and right now I'm grateful because it’s perfect. The second I put it on, I realize how short this thing is, but it’s better than everything else in my closet so I roll with it.

I get to Paul’s and groan at the number of people inside. After a few minutes, I finally find an empty seat at the bar and order a beer, needing some alcohol to start this pity session I’ve decided to throw myself. I finish my beer in record time and just as I’m about to order another beer one is set in front of me. I peer over at the bartender, confused, since I know I didn’t order it. He motions to someone behind me and for a split second my heart races, thinking Josh is here, but when I turn around, Cole is standing there with that smug look on his lying face.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I yell as our eyes lock, and I can’t help as my entire body starts to shake with rage. My nostrils flare as he sends me that smile he thinks will melt me into submission. It used to, but all it’s doing right now is making me want to punch that look right off his face.

Seeing him here brings back all the memories I’ve been trying to forget and that’s exactly the opposite effect this night was supposed to have.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I scream again over the music as I make my way to where he’s standing.

I slowly take him in, eyeing his T-shirt and worn jeans and seeing the boy I fell in love with all those years ago. His tall stature, dark hair, and dark eyes scream mysterious and were once something I loved about him. But now? The way his eyes get darker when he looks at me, or the way his body feels against mine sends a sickening feeling through my entire body.

“Can’t a man buy a beautiful woman a drink?” he asks, looking down and taking in my dress.