Page 11 of Forbidden CEO


“Charly.” My eyes shoot to his and the softness of them takes me off guard. “I like you. I want to get to know you more, is that a crime?”

I shake my head and we fall into a conversation about our pasts. He tells me how he started the company, building it from the ground up when no one thought he could do it. I tell him about moving to Toronto from my small town and how different life is here and how much I miss my parents. He asks about Willow, what my childhood was like and before long, our meals are done and he’s looking at me as if I’m his next meal.

“You ready to go?”

I set my napkin down, taking a deep breath as I nod. He motions for the waiter to bring the check and I get up from my seat.

“Where are you going?” he asks, a panicked look crossing his face.

“Just to freshen up. I'll be right back,” I whisper, kissing his cheek before making my way into the washroom. I look at myself in the mirror and wonder for the thousandth time how this is my life. It’s not until I hear the door open behind me that I realize that someone else is in the room with me. When I turn, my face blanches as Maggie struts toward me.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” she sneers, the false veneer of civility is gone from her features and the bitch I knew was hiding comes forth.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You think everyone in the office didn’t know you were fucking the boss? I saw the way you looked at him today. I knew you were lying through your teeth when I asked if there was more going on.”

I say nothing because I know the more I say now, the more she’ll have against me later.

“You’re done, you know that? Once HR finds out about your torrid little affair, you’ll be out on the street so fast that Luke won’t have a choice but to hire me.”

My eyes widen and everything becomes crystal clear. “You want him.” It’s not a question because I know it's true.

“What?” she questions, her satisfied look falling away just a little.

“That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You’re jealous that he wants me instead of you…”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

I start laughing as I shake my head. “I knew there was more to your questions this morning, but I guess you just can’t handle that he wants me to suck his cock, that he wants me to fuck him senseless after a hard day’s work.”

She sneers as she pushes me up against the wall. “You listen to me. As of tomorrow? You are done. HR is going to love making you the example. I promise.”

My confidence wavers for a second before I remember that Luke told me not to worry. As hard as it is, I want to trust that he won’t let anything happen, even when Maggie looks like she’s holding all the power.

“See you tomorrow.” She winks as I stand there in shock, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Luke told me not to worry. He told me to let him handle it but when I walked into the office the next morning and all eyes followed me, I knew Maggie had told everyone what she saw. Am I embarrassed that I slept with the boss? No. I know the real story and that’s all that matters, but what I do care about is the fact that everyone here thinks I have this job because I suck Luke’s dick and not because I’m good at what I do. I was hired for a reason, but they don’t know that and at this point, I don’t think they’d care.

The second I sit in my chair my phone rings and when I pick it up, I expect to hear the voice of the HR rep, but it’s Luke.

“Sweetheart, come into my office, please.” His tone is natural, almost as if we were alone at his place and not at work. But when I get up and make my way to his door, I find myself shaking with nerves.

What’s going to happen when I walk through that door? I take a glance behind me and when I see Maggie’s smug face smiling as she waves, I growl. Fucking bitch.

I take a deep breath and push open Luke’s office door. I expect the room to be filled with people. I expect at least one person from HR here to reprimand me for what we’re doing but it’s only Luke. He must see my confusion because he smiles, chuckling lightly as he makes his way around his desk and stops in front of me. He closes the door, locks it, and brings me into his chest for a hug.

“What’s going on?” I ask, not understanding why he’s here alone.

“Come sit,” he murmurs against my temple as he kisses my hair lightly and leads me to the leather chair behind his desk. He sits, pulling me onto his lap and when I'm seated, he takes my face in his hand and kisses me lightly. “You’re not in trouble.”

I eye him, confused. “How? It’s against the rules.”

He shakes his head and leans back laughing.

“What’s so funny?”