Page 8 of Forbidden CEO

“As much as I would love to play out that particular fantasy of yours...” His smug laugh on the other end sends heat straight to my core as I try to stop the images that are playing over and over in my mind. “I actually called for a reason.”

“Okay, Charly, what do you need?”

“The password to my computer. I can't really be your assistant without it.”

His sigh is the only response I get before the line goes dead and footsteps sound behind his closed door. When the creak of the wood sounds behind me and I glance back, I take a breath. I get why people in this office are so wary of him and his presence. He takes up a lot of space when he enters a room. And from the hush that falls over the office the second he steps out of his doorway, there’s no doubt who is in charge.

“Is this what you were asking for?” he whispers, leaning down so his lips graze the shell of my ear. To everyone else, it might look like he’s just leaning over my shoulder but the way his fingers lightly brush my hips as they trail to my thigh tells me he has something besides work on his mind.

“Yes.” My voice cracks, coughing to cover the way his hands feel grasping at my skin through my skirt. I turn, only to be met with his eyes that seem to have darkened even more in the last ten minutes. “Is there anything else you want me to do?” I whisper, needing a distraction more than anything.

He pauses for a second, his eyes taking in the room before standing, placing his hand on my shoulder and speaking again. “Check the emails and see if anything is missing from my calendar and I’ll get Maggie to come over and go over your day-to-day duties.”

“Maggie?” I ask, not knowing who that is.

He gives me a tight smile before nodding to the woman who warned me earlier. She gives a curt nod at the mention of her name and before I can say anything else, he’s gone. Back into his office with his door shut.

I take a moment, a few deep breaths in and out before I take the login information he placed on my desk and enter it into my computer. I go through his emails, finding a few meetings that haven’t yet been entered into his calendar yet, and spend the next half hour trying to figure out how his calendar works so he can actually see what meetings he's missing.

Before long, there’s a presence behind me and when I turn, expecting it to be Luke with another smart-ass remark, I see that it’s Maggie.

“Are you doing okay?” she asks, that tight, forced smile not lost on me. I give a slight nod and she goes over to the spare desk across the room and brings a chair over and sits down next to me. “I'm guessing Mr. Masters told you that he wanted me to go over your daily tasks?”

She doesn’t wait for me to answer before she takes the mouse from beneath my palm and exits out of Luke’s calendar and back to the home screen. My inner bitch is itching to tell this girl that she needs to back up, but honestly, she knows more about this job than I do, and I really should take her advice seriously.

We spend the next hour going over my daily activities, what Luke expects from me and what he doesn’t expect but should be done anyway. A lot of my job is fielding calls and emails as to not bother him with frivolous shit that he doesn’t need to worry about. The rest of my day is making sure all his meetings are planned, contracts printed, and handouts photocopied. I knew starting this job that I’d start at the bottom, and that’s what this job is. Pushing papers, answering phones, and yet I’ll be in every meeting, attached to every email, and to me, that’s the best learning experience I can ask for. Luke might not explain every aspect of the business to me, hell, I bet no one in this office wants to explain anything to me right now, but I’ll learn with time.

“You and Mr. Masters seemed pretty cozy earlier.”

There it is. The comment I’ve been waiting for since Luke went back into his office. Maggie is a beautiful woman and from the side glances she’s been giving his door, almost wishing he’d appear out of nowhere, I knew what helping me was all about. Of course, she played the part well, showing me everything, answering all my questions, but I knew there was more to it.

“Did you know each other before you got this job?”

“Nope.” It’s not a total lie. Technically neither of us knew who the other was before I walked into his office, but obviously Maggie doesn’t need to know that I knew more about his cock before I knew his last name.

“Really seemed like you did.”

I catch her eyes and regret it immediately. She suspects something, and I make a mental note to talk to Luke tonight when I see him. He can’t do what he did earlier again. It will raise too many eyebrows and obviously give Maggie the open invitation to question whether or not my job is legitimate.

“Nope, I guess we just mesh well together.” I shrug my shoulders, hoping she’ll leave it alone. Then Luke’s door opens, and when I look at the clock, seeing that it’s past five o’clock, I know he’s on his way out.

“Ladies,” he says with that sly smile I’ve seen him give everyone at least once today. “Maggie, thanks so much for showing Charly the ropes today. I really appreciate it.”

Maggie blushes, her chin dipping to her chest as a slight smile crosses her face.

“It was no problem, Mr. Masters. Anything you need, I’m around.”

He gives her a slight nod as his eyes fall to me. “I hope she’s been listening carefully and taking notes…” The tone of his voice sounds playful, but that darkness in his gaze tells me otherwise.

“Yes, sir,” Maggie says before smiling in my direction. “She’s been great.”

“Good. Glad to hear it.” Luke takes one last look around the office before his hands find their way into his pockets and he continues. “Maggie, if you could get those bestseller reports to me before tomorrow morning, that would be great.”

She nods, waiting for him to ask something else of her when he looks at me instead.

“Charly, you’re free to go for the day.”

Maggie’s eyes widen as she looks between Luke and me.