So, against my better judgment, I do the one thing I never thought I’d ever do. I pull him close, melting against him. I throw away all my anxiety, all my fears, and touch my lips to his.
Chapter 4
Fucking Hell. She tastes even better than I imagined and trust me when I say I imagined it a whole lot as I watched her on that dance floor. Our lips meld together as the kiss becomes all-consuming. Her fingers find the edge of my leather jacket, pulling me closer. On a groan I pull away, wanting nothing more than to stay here in this moment with her, but knowing I need to stop this before I fuck her against the light post behind her.
“What’s your name?” I murmur against the side of her neck, my tongue darting out and I groan at the taste of her skin.
“Nellie.” Her breathy moan causes my cock to harden as I pull her closer. “What’s yours?” Her eyes are closed, and I wonder if she’s even paying attention.
“Doesn’t matter…” I’m stalling for two reasons. One, because I don’t want her to pull away from me, and two, because I’m worried once I say my name, she’ll realize who I am. But just as my hands find their way to her ass, pulling her even closer, she stills.
“Doesn’t matter?” Shit. My plan is backfiring so I do the only thing I know will distract her.
I kiss her.
And instantly she melts into me once more as I revel in her taste, the feel of her under my hands, and wondering where’s she been my whole life. But it doesn’t last long. She breaks away, her eyes searching mine as she takes a deep breath.
“So, you kiss me, demand my name yet refuse to give yours?”
Well, this turned quickly, and from her stance—hands on her hips, head cocked to the side—we’re not leaving here until she gets an answer.
“It’s complicated,” I admit, watching as her eyes roll and her hands fall to her sides.
“You know, as good a kisser as you are,” she starts, my chest puffing out at the compliment before she holds up her hand to let her continue, “I’m too old to play these kinds of games.” With that, she gives me one last look, as if she’s saving me in her memory, and starts to walk away.
It takes a few seconds before I realize I haven’t moved, so I jog to catch up with her.
“Look, Nellie…” God, I love the sound of her name on my lips. “At least let me walk you back to my hotel. You can use their phone.”
She eyes me, her gaze going to my pockets, obviously searching for an outline of a phone.
“I left my phone in my hotel room. Didn’t want any distraction tonight.” Although I got one anyway.
“You know, if I wasn’t stranded, cold, and exhausted, I would tell you to F-off, but I need a ride home.”
When I don’t say anything or move, she looks back toward me.
“You don’t swear?” Noticing that the whole time I’ve been around her, even listening to her in the bar, she never swore.
“Habit, I guess.” Her eyes glance down and I know there’s more to that than she’s saying but I let it go. For now.
We start walking, my hand brushing hers every once in a while, and every time her eyes look over catching mine, she smiles. It’s been a long time since a woman has had this kind of effect on me, and I honestly have no idea what to do.
“So, am I ever going to learn your name, or will you have to be the mysterious guy from the bar for the foreseeable future?” She’s adorable. The laugh that bubbles out of her is probably the purest thing I have ever heard and all I want to do is hear it again.
“It’s Dane,” I admit, hoping to God she doesn’t listen to my music.
“See? It wasn’t that hard.” Her fist hits my arm as I breathe a sigh of relief. She has no idea.
“So… Nellie, huh?” I ask, loving the blush that creeps up her cheeks and wishing I could find out exactly how far that blush goes down her chest.
“Don’t start,” she answers, laughing. “My mother loved Little House on the Prairie when she was growing up and was set on naming her first daughter after a character from the show.”
I smile at her as we continue to walk. I can see the sign for the hotel a few blocks away and a pit starts to form in my stomach. I don’t want this night to end.